I already got one… but I got another
I thought it looked like an Apple Pencil lol
Did woot break?
I’ve been so swamped I totes forgot about the woot!off. Bad 'Kat. I happened to click on the site and DAMN! WOOT!OFF!! Could’ve used one of these, or at least maybe. But I wasn’t signed in and I didn’t get here 'til 7% so it was sold out of course by the time I did get signed in.
Sigh. Na ja and back to busyness.
>'Kat, aka General Bossy McPaws
Well I see things are running as smoothly as normal.
It’s not a fruit pencil it’s a meat pencil!
Broke it!
Probably me, since apparently it was running fine 'til I showed up?
>'Kat, slinking back to sit on the naughty bench
Woot fail
Just when you expect Woot to zig they zag.
Better take the hookas away from the web guys for the day…
Meater broke it.
Wasn’t me - I was asleep in the VoP
Guess they want the whole 30 mins not less
I stayed in there way longer than appropriate too
We’re waking up the devs.