Meow-o-ween Costumes

OH EM GEE WOOOOO! Big thanks to everyone who voted! :smiley:

Purrfect! Congrats!

It was great to see the voters’ enthusiasm for the spooky theme, this was one tough battle.

Congrats to all three winners (and to kg07’s actual 1st place glow-in-the-dark design which broke 200 votes and I believe will be printing a little nearer Halloween!)

Congrats on the 3-spot, Fable!
Spiritgreen, I feel like we’ll be seeing your as a featured design as well. Great derby.

Congrats on the printing Fablefire! I second the sentiment on the enthusiasm exhibited by the artists and voters in the derby. Hopefully woot will make room to print a bunch of these designs. I am already planning on buying a Halloween Clubhouse shirt and have my eye on a few others. :slight_smile: