Optoma 1080p HD Projector

Some customer reviews:


Oh Yay! An $1100 refurb projector. At least it’s not another 500lb vaccum…

wow…someone went in for three.

Not only is it over a thousand dollars- it’s a refurb!!

Wow what is this woot off for bill gates.

Quick someone order three and see if it breaks woot! Do they have three? I mean… If I had loads of money…

“100% bought 3” haha, who does that?

(some guy in cali apparently)

Wow, just noticed it’s a refurb too. Ouch…this might take a while.

woah someone bought three?!?!

Shipping just kills this deal!

Maybe 5?

And somebody else just bought another three!

some1 got three and the bar went down like 1/6 =/

did someone really just buy 3?

I think they’re mad at us for being so mean to the hamsters…

Woot-offs the day before payday, not fun. Not as though this projector is within my budget anyway…

how does this compare to the eyeclops? but to bad i just bought my gibson les paul a few days ago or would be in for 3

Amazing that the one guy who bought it actually bought 3. Is there some sort of projector shortage in CA?
Guess there are more than 3 of these available since the woot meter is still at full strength after 3 were sold.
RIP Woot off.

Correction, TWO people bought 3…

it says TWO people bought three. what.

oh, and someone slightly more sane only bought two.

looks like 16 of them (3+3+2)*2