Politics is Broken - Prove Me Wrong [Unmoderated]

They are also susceptible to affinity bias, but black people are still the minority for hiring decisions. Majority white will hire white which perpetuates the majority white hired. Rinse and repeat.

Oops…gotta flag you for that one.

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Again… but you’re good with that.

Nah… I ain’t the one claiming that without their Great White Saviours, blacks could never get ahead.

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Trump // Lecter 2024 !!

hannibal lecter GIF by VIASAT3

Animated GIF


Great White Ally, not savior

To The Rescue Hero GIF by Sesame Street

The White House made nine corrections to a speech delivered by President Joe Biden to the NAACP on Sunday, including a line where Biden falsely claimed to have been vice president during the pandemic and a line where he referred to insurrectionists as “irrectionists.

Just falsehoods. 9 !

Then hogwash mumbling about the hostages??? Yes he’s qualified :yawning_face::yawning_face::yawning_face::yawning_face:

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Sorry. If he is giving the finger, that’s wasn’t my intent. I thought it was just a finger gun.

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I was like did he mean that I’m not sure so I’ll just do it back so he hits the play button :rofl: tyvm that was nice ty. I’ll remove mine :+1: much appreciated

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Fx No GIF by Fargo


“Trump also acknowledges in the recording that he could have declassified the materials when he was president but no longer could, undercutting his previous arguments that he had declassified the documents that remained in his possession after leaving the White House.”


“Greer noted, ‘there has to be evidence that a declassification order occurred.’ And in Trump’s case, ‘the Trump team has yet to produce any credible evidence,’ he said.”

"Jeh Johnson, who served as the Defense Department’s top lawyer before becoming Homeland Security secretary under the Obama administration, agreed in a piece he published for Lawfare.
‘[P]art and parcel of any act of declassification is communicating that act to all others who possess the same information, across all federal agencies,’ Johnson wrote. ‘This point holds true regardless of whether the information exists in a document, an email, a power point presentation, and even in a government official’s mental awareness. Otherwise, what would be the point of a legitimate declassification?’ "

“Trump has provided no evidence that he did declassify the papers, an appeals court noted Wednesday as it rejected his team’s legal arguments and cleared the way for investigators to continue scrutinizing the documents as they consider whether to bring criminal charges.”

“Most presidents, dating back to the beginning of the modern classification system in the 1940s, have issued their own executive orders on classification. Trump was an exception, issuing no order on this subject. President Biden has not yet issued an executive order on classification (although there are reports that one is underway), so the order currently in place is the one issued by President Obama in 2009.”


Maybe if Trump had accepted defeat, he would have had more time to plan his post White House transition. Instead, he squatted until the last minute and hastily packed up stuff he shouldn’t have taken.

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Trump’s refusal to concede the election led to a delay in ascertainment—the formal decision that initiates the government’s post-election financial and substantive support for the winning candidate. In addition to delaying funding and access to federal agencies, some members of the Trump administration were not fully cooperative with the incoming Biden team, further complicating matters.


“Defense has traditionally been a bipartisan business between and among professionals, and this is terrible optics for those who want to copy this pettiness in the future,” said Mackenzie Eaglen, a fellow at the conservative American Enterprise Institute. The effort to block the transition from key national security information is “useless, poor form, and horrible precedent.”

The photos of Nauta, which appear to be screenshots of surveillance footage, are dated June 1, 2022 – shortly before the Trump attorney was slated to canvass the storage room for any documents with classified markings to be returned to the federal government.

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DEADLY force authorized in a documents seizure against a former President of the United States. Yep…

Nothing To See Here GIF by Giphy QA


“The FBI followed standard protocol in this search as we do for all search warrants, which includes a standard policy statement limiting the use of deadly force,” the agency said in a statement. “No one ordered additional steps to be taken and there was no departure from the norm in this matter.”

In other words, there is that verbiage in every such search warrant. Basically states they will be armed to defend themselves if necessary.

He could’ve have had some proud boys guarding the documents. Never know. Law enforcement should be prepared.

Truly nothing to see here.

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Trump authorized his followers to use deadly force on Jan 6th. He wanted to remove the metal detectors at his speech so armed insurrectionists could use it as a staging point and then march to the capital from there. He said Mike Pence deserved to be hung. His followers assaulted police officers. Not a leap to assume the FBI may encounter some resistance from crazed maga followers during the search of their glorious leader’s property.

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Still funny that you don’t realize he brought this all on himself. If you don’t want to be raised by armed agents, you should have returned all the documents when you were told. Cause and effect.

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I swear, humans are getting stupider every day:

average sheep: “oh please Daddy Gates, won’t you PLEASE spy on me and record everything that I do? I’ll even buy a brand spanking new computer just so that you can.”


Benjamin Franklin would be rolling over in his grave - “Those who surrender freedom for security will not have, nor do they deserve, either one.”


Such maturity. Such a role model for young girls.


Coming Soon to an Election Near You!


arnold schwarzenegger GIF by Jerology