Politics is Broken - Prove Me Wrong [Unmoderated]

Marjorie Trailer Park Greene is desperate to stir up the cult.

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Sorry, but you’re wrong. It isn’t normal protocol to use guns to raid for paper??? It’s not normal protocol to have plain clothes of your men without vest ( as most wear black saying ICE, FBI, BP, etc)

It was like they hoped something would happen and the permission of deadly force could be used in a defense to harm someone on the property.

This is your administration trying to take out an opponent. This is not just for Trump, it affects us all when a justice system has become weaponized. If u believe otherwise, get ready for a new pair of glasses you can see through.

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They were paper…. Not a cartel lab . You do not raid in the manner in which it was done.

Have you ever been a party to a real raid with criminals who if scared of the def. They use vest? You don’t say use deadly force to your men then send them in plainclothes with weapons.

It was a Former President. They knew security would be secret service. So, by creeping in plain clothes, to look like what? To hope maybe something transpired?? Please… This administration is doing everything to take down its opponents because the love of power and greed is so deep, they can’t win on their merit. Dangerous very dangerous


Between that and :peach: posting on X (now deleted) a video that is clearly anti-Semitic they are the party of chaos!

“Flush Trump Down the Toilet” per Nj.com But I can’t link because the word N&Z| is in the article ?!!

WTAF?! :roll_eyes: Woot!

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Awesome. So…

You, unequivocally, and in no uncertain terms, completely and utterly denounce the anti-semtic “peaceful protests” at colleges nationwide where your people have taken over campuses demanding that the colleges - and the nation on whole - completely divest from funding Israel and the Jewish People.

You, unequivocally, and in no uncertain terms, completely and utterly denounce the anti-semtic “peaceful protests” at colleges nationwide where your people have taken over campuses demanding that the colleges - and the nation on whole - utterly wipe the Jewish People of the face of the Earth while chanting “from the river to sea” and infatada."

Right? I mean… I just want to be sure we’re on the same page here.

at least on that we can agree.


Flavor List:

Rigged Election
Lecter Special
E. Lee in Favor


Please the writer of this article Matt Arco, is a reporter for one of the most liberal newspapers in NJ.

I watched the video and I didn’t see him say anything compared to what you’re suggesting.

I did not hear RIECH …. Because it’s assumed by the post , the left is assimilating it feels like anti- Semitic… give me a break. Additionally, it sounds like nz ? Just another misinformation hotline.

The video shows if Trump wins, oil industry comes back, mass deportation, crimes lowered, America once again… nothing was stated about RIECH.

Talk about neo- nz. Yea….

Please both Biden and Obama eulogized the king wizard , bird of the kk , at his funeral…
who cares… about your left wing propaganda.

Did you see his post on Truth Social? He and his knotsees from the cult want there dear leader to be a dicktator.

As usual, he claims that he was not responsible. He is telling us exactly what he would do. Believe it, and vote against him.

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Reich is a noun. It didn’t refer to the 3rd Reich in which you’re trying and the left is trying to imply.
It means , Empire, realm or nation, with reference to Germany.

It’s used as a unified Nation. Nothing more . You guys jump at anything.

Meanwhile back in WH, we have Biden, the walking dead, screwing our economy with student loan forgiveness and now our strategic oil. Your worried about a word, instead of being concerned about our pockets? Yea makes sense. Been indoctrinated all riech. :rofl:

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NOT a patriot. Perpetual liar.



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Why, though? Seems pretty extreme comparison.

Biden didn’t have anyone arrested. Fake news!
Also, you forgot to put Trump’s best friend Putin on there.

Sad you are defending it. Even the Trump took it down.


Well look at the stance, compared. I guess Joe has been watching a lot of old footage.

It’s as extreme , as your side stating the same about Trump. It’s ridiculous… it can work for both sides….

If you remember, Obama was the first one painted as such . Then naming things as Czars didn’t help.

I want to show how ridiculous it is, however True about Biden and his DOJ trying to jail his opponent. Even AOC STATED , Trump in court stuck is like having an ankle bracelet on when he’s supposed to be campaigning. :woman_shrugging:

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Funny if it was taken down, how did I just see it ???

And no one is defending anything it’s factually correct about the definition. People take it to extreme. So maybe it’s over someone head, why it was removed as you state….

New low for this administration. Well not really. They seem to like these guys.

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The Internet never forgets

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