Post Mongering 6/22/22 (Part 2)

“Were you always interested in medicine, Doctor?” he repeated the question, “or was it robotics?”
“Neither actually,” Linda replied, secretly amused the question reflected her musings. “I was a housewife with a degree in literature and happy. So very happy. But then World War IV began and my husband was drafted. I got a job as an assistant at the University of Calgary.

rabbit scratching GIF

It continues

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Doctor Helmsford was researching beam weapons. He was one of the developers of the fusion beam.”
“Fusion beam,” Reynaud echoed. “How did you qualify to work in a lab like that with a lit. degree? How did you get into the Regenabot Project?”
“I qualified by being alive and healthy and being intelligent enough to be able to follow instructions,” Linda smiled. “Remember this was during the last World War. Most of the graduate students had been drafted. Anyone with a pulse could get a job, and anyone who was literate could get one at the universities.

Someone with the time and tools could get the post and timestamps to figure it out. I would be interested in seeing that as well!

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A synonym for cinnamon is a cinnamon synonym.

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Hot diggity dog!

“My husband died in that war,” she went on. “It was two weeks before the armistice. Johnny, my son, died a month later when a classmate brought a gun to school and started shooting.” The biographer stared at her wordlessly, not knowing what to say. She had not told anyone this in decades. She went on, “He did not have to die. The boy with the gun was trying to kill a girl in their class. Johnny stopped him.” She paused to wipe away some tears. After a long time, with a tear still on her cheek, she continued, “I could have kept working for Doctor Helmsford – he asked me to, but I got word of a new project dedicated to the eradication of death. So I applied and with my experience as Doctor Helmsford’s assistant and his recommendation, I was accepted as a junior assistant researcher in the Regenabot Project.

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“It meant moving,” she continued, “several times over the next few years, but I had no living family left. So I packed my bags and went.”
“Even so, how does a junior assistant with the wrong degree end up in charge of such an important project?” Reynaud asked.


I was busy, what did I miss?

Scratching Disney Pixar GIF by The Good Dinosaur

“Some of my predecessors were political appointments whose only degrees were in Law,” Linda pointed out. She laughed bitterly. “That really slowed down the project. Lawyers, in general, have no real appreciation for scientific research. How can they? Their research involves reading what has already been written, you can put a time-table to it. Creative research has no time-table, but some of them tried to schedule advancements anyway. But that does not answer your question, does it?


I’ll try to remember about mongering better today.