Post Mongering 6/22/22 (Part 2)


Fair enough!

animation fun GIF

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“I went back to school,” she explained. “No matter where we moved – Toronto, Cambridge,” she paused to chuckle and added, “Cambridge,” again, tacking on, “Massachusetts, California a few other places – we were always attached to a prestigious university. My doctorate in Medicine was from Harvard, my PhD in Nano-Robotics from Cal Tech, although over half the hours were earned at MIT, but then my credit hours came from all over anyway.”


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Haaaaaaaaa. The po po would be here if I stayed in my room even 1 day


what are we planning to do

I got caught up in 1) trying to borrow a macro lens

Great Greek grape growers grow great Greek grapes
Great Greek grape growers grow great Greek grapes
Great Greek grape growers grow great Greek grapes

“You say many of your predecessors were political?” Reynaud asked.
“Indeed,” Linda nodded. “I put an end to that. That would have been in 2109. I was fifty-four and was named Temporary Head of the project. I was supposed to just be the bookmark between two politicals, but Earthgov’s Space Authority was shaken badly when a small group of pacifists built their own ships and puttered off to somewhere in the Asteroid Belt. Private citizens were not supposed to be able to do that, you know. The history books call it the Pacifist Migration. Hardly a migration, really, but I used the governmental uncertainty to simply remove the ‘Temporary’ part of my title. We had a very experienced computer man on the staff too. I convinced him to rewrite the project’s charter so that any leaders must come from within the Project itself. Earthgov could have forced us to accept a scientist and then promoted him or her, but they never did.”



  1. practicing with the zoom lens and close-up filters I do own

“You hijacked the Regenabot Project?” Reynaud asked.
“That shocks you?” Linda laughed, not bothering to deny it. “I swore on my son’s grave that I would see an end to avoidable death, Reynaud. That was just part of what it took to make good on that oath.

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Two wheels

  1. cleaning more kitchen area