Preparation H Flushable Medicated Wipes

Preparation H Flushable Medicated Wipes


“Mandatory reminder to eat more fiber”

How about a mandatory reminder to NOT FLUSH THESE?!


Lots of things are flushable… plants, rocks, toys, drugs. It doesn’t mean you SHOULD flush them.


Don’t flush anything but toilet paper please.

If you’re going to use these, just go outside to your garbage can.


I’m still going to flush the poops. You can’t stop me!

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Devon Rex Cat GIF


bored animation GIF by funk


cat meow GIF

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Mandatory reminder that this is America; land of the free!

chicken nuggets toilet GIF

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I bought the toilet that had the commercial where they flushed a bucket of golf balls for that very reason.

United States Usa GIF by Natalie Palamides

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I’m glad to see others have spoken the truth - there’s no such thing as flushable wipes. It’s not necessarily the toilet you have to worry about. It’s the plumbing after the toilet that can clog, and that’s where it gets expensive.

Ask my wife who flushed the “flushable wipes.” She knows all about that now.


Most seem fine to me. Maybe not equate or charmin.

Just don’t flush baby wipes. Flushable wipes will break down. Maybe she was flushing a big wad of them?

Especially if you have a basement with a sewage ejector. Former owners of my house use them in our basement and we weren’t in the house 4 months before having to hire someone to come clean it all out. :nauseated_face:

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“Honey, if you need me, I’ll be in the driveway wiping my a**.”

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Donald Trump GIF by GIPHY News



The anticipation of receiving my medicated wipes is too much!!!


On the edge of your seat?


They were some wipes labeled “flushable” intended for kids. It was back when our son was still learning how to use a toilet and clean up was…uh…often messy.

That toilet was in the downstairs bathroom in our old condo. No basement, it was a slab. The clog was large because the toilet got the wipe out but the poorly-constructed piping didn’t.

My plumber told me that he makes a lot of money solving the problems created by “flushable” wipes and I don’t doubt him.

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Ah, yeah. Kids have a tendency to load the toilet up even with just toilet paper before flushing. I would recommend flushing at least once for every two flushable wipes in the bowl.

Flushable wipes should supplement toilet paper, not replace it.