RCA Jet 1GB Sport Media Player with FM Tuner

Seems a little big for a 1gb player.

if i didnt already have a 1gb ipod shuffle ide buy, this seems like a nice MP3 player to work out with. However, the old ipod shuffles are way smaller, making them easier to use when working out, and much easier to run with. so no sale too ween

At some point, Woot has to consider its audience. There is a “Kids” Woot site now, and many parents let their kids monitor Woot as result (and I have).
However, today’s writeup is a bit extreme, especially the note about a transvestite prostitute - could have done without that, regardless how amusing it is to adults.

Woot - be advised, your humor could begin to whittle away your consumers over time, not grow them.

Most portable digital players that have tuners just have FM, because they don’t take up much space. AM tuners require larger components, so they’re left out when space is an issue, as it is in portable devices. AM radio is also harder to pick up and usually requires a larger antenna, whereas for FM radio, the headphone wire usually suffices as the antenna.

Since these players are predominately used for music, companies don’t see the lack of AM as much of a loss.

Was looking for an inexpensive rechargeable unit for wife’s audio books, and a drone to connect to the USB in my 2009 Civic. In for two!

Woot is and always has been a site whose target audience is adults. This is evidenced by a seperate and distinct “Kids” Woot site. Keep up the great work and be as dirty as you wanna be. Besides, children have to learn about transvestite hookers sooner or later.

if this thing had an SD slot, I’d buy 3 :frowning:

Like the Aqua Walkman styling

I bought a pair of these. They work like a champ and I still use them.

How can you go wrong, especially as gifts for kids? In for three.

i’m a sport and i like media, so might buy a second later today as a gift to my brother…

My kids were just asking for a portable FM player. Good job Woot. In for 3.

Wow, Yeah, if one person in the world says its crap it must be true.

Does this use a standard 3.5 mm mini-plug for the headphones?
Because 7.99 is less than I pay for the cheapest headphones at Radio Shack. Here, I get a free mp3 player to boot!

ok I need help - - I have all my music in I-tunes - can I put that music on this player - or is there some kind of format issue (I’m not very good at this stuff)

Actually, BMI doesn’t consider Gender. Or Age. Just Height, and Weight. As far as the statistic goes, it’s just good enough for government work.

I’m not sure if you’re joking or serious, but for those who don’t know, Ogg Vorbis is a special type of audio file, supposedly higher quality (I’ve never tried it), open source, free, and without huge file size:


**Warning: Grammar N@zi alert! **

The correct usage here would be sex, not gender. Sex refers to the physiological differences between the male and the female of a species, while gender refers to the behavioral, cultural, or psychological traits typically associated with one sex (in humans). While many modern (read: the last few years) dictionaries tend to use the terms interchangeably, there is a distinct difference.

Also: Does anyone know about the quality of reception in this unit?

this guy’s got me sold, i think i’ll buy it.


Macy’s has it for $30

Seems like a pretty good price.

Anyone know how well the headphones work?