Should I have put “works” in quotation marks? Or did you feed the interns and it’s all good?
nothing is ever good here
That’s not true. The buckets are good here. You’ve got the best online bucket store around.
Or this…just sayin…
it’s a shame we have a warehouse full of these and nobody seems to want any
code writters
here you go!
Does Rick have a cameo account? Because woot needs to get on that. Maybe he can sing you (woot) happy birthday?
let see what happens this time
we 100% would have used him if he was on cameo
But Ben, his song is the anti-woot anthem.
But yeah that’d would have been amazing.
Try it for yourself! Just don’t set your expectations very high.
Get familiar with the site. Where things are, what’s for sale, how to get there from here, draw a map with spaghetti.
Make a list of items you want. Bookmark the listings.
Empty your cart. Update your address and payment method if necessary.
Take a little trip to the kitchen for snacks and a juice box. Relax, stretch, take a deep breath, let it out.
This is supposed to be fun. I swear!
They don’t pay me, I shill for fun.
…Request developer API Key!
ok here
I’m in central time and when I attempted to play at 11 am central, it stated that the game was over. Sad I was not warned it was 11 am Eastern, which is 10 am central time zone. Bummer
what are you talking about
But isn’t getting rid of BOC’s anti-woot?
I mean, not saying that is happening, but you know. People are panicking on the other thread.
Apparently you haven’t seen the update.