Seagate Barracuda 7200.10 750GB SATA/300 7200RPM 16MB Hard Drive

anyone willing to trust this?

Note: This post contains pricing information for future reference because it is generally not available elsewhere once the next Woot has been offered.

Seagate Barracuda 7200.10 750GB SATA/300 7200RPM 16MB Hard Drive
$79.99 + $5 shipping
condition: Recertified
product: 1 Seagate ST3750640AS 750GB SATA/300 7200RPM Hard Drive

Here is the discussion from when this item was sold in the last WOOT-OFF.

that’s a lot of memory…

This was a wootoff killer a while back, but I bought one. Either it works or woot allows returns for DOA items, so here’s to hoping.

[QUOTE=pnolte, post:1, topic:179322]
Isnt this cheaper than the woot off last week

Yes. It was $84.99 in the WOOT-OFF.

Well recertified usually means that nothing was wrong with it, it was checked out with a diagnostic and went back out. People return hard drives all the time because they know they need one but get too intimidated to install them.

That’s new. This was in the Woot-off. I don’t remember seeing a woot-off item after a woot-off? Or has this been posted before. Oh if there was only someway to tell!

But seriously, has anyone popped their’s in from the woot-off. Any problems?

note: I know that there is

Wow 10.6 cents/GB is a good deal. It’s usually 12-13+.

“Warranty: 180 Day Seagate Limited Warranty”

Thats the 3 platter, 250GB per platter HD


Many Many Many reviews show this version is well know to be doa with slow read and write times!!!

its a lemon hdd, sry

At this price get 3 and RAID 5 'em.

When in doubt of data integrity, go for redundancy!

[QUOTE=mclovintonite, post:5, topic:179306]
that’s a lot of memory…

Actually it’s no memory at all. It will improve your storage space, though.

Newegg has a deal on this harddrive. $109 (before taxes) with free shipping for a NEW one.

Newegg link

Respiffed doesn’t bother me, they’re usually as good or better than new are, but if it does bother you, check the link.

[QUOTE=theragu40, post:14, topic:179306]
Actually it’s no memory at all. It will improve your storage space, though.

Thats a big pagefile then!

Not me. I won’t even buy one of these new. Good price… but read the reviews… I’d link to one but someone already pointed you to the egg. Luv’ya woot. C’ya tomorrow.

Hmm… 4 platter design (4x188GB). As much as I like the price, I think I may pass.

I think they were talking about the cache buffer.

Would be nice if I just got the one I ordered over a week ago during the wootoff. That would be acceptable, esp since I’ve already paid for it.