Shirts Missing from Catalog

They’re coming back like magic. Thank you, @cbrumfie!!!

Found one more. This one isn’t in my catalog and I don’t see it on the first page of All Designs where it usually is. Vincent Van Groot

It is showing up again!

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Thank you so much! :slightly_smiling_face:

thank you so much

SArCaSm fell out of the catalog again.

All there now. Thanks man!!!
EDIT: It’s happening again. :frowning: (the 2 shirts swapping appearances)

It is back again.

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Live long and prosper!

This one reverted to sold out and is not showing in the catalog again.

@cbrumfie, FYI

I’m down 3 more shirts this morning. Here’s the (same?) problematic list:

Sales are being moved to the catalog now, manual process and all for new items. They all should be showing up shortly.

Ah! Didn’t realize the sale ended. Thanks. Carpe DM keeps “seizing” up still.

Hi~ i have 2 missing from catalog ^^


They are showing up again!

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sweet ~ thanks @cbrumfie

Is there a chance that my design utoPIa will be found?

It looks to have worked this time. Sorry it took so long.

Great! Thank you!

Hi folks, also a couple missing that aren’t linked to my account:

Cheers :slight_smile: