pricing for future reference
product(s): 1 Stanley 87-195 50 Piece 1/4” & 3/8” Drive 6pt Socket Set
condition: New
$19.99 + $5 shipping
pricing for future reference
product(s): 1 Stanley 87-195 50 Piece 1/4” & 3/8” Drive 6pt Socket Set
condition: New
$19.99 + $5 shipping
a sellout.woot anyone could enjoy… not bad… still got useful linkage w/ comparison links… which is normal… ok
$29 shipped at Amazon…
Not really a great bargain, woot!
The last stanlet kit ended up hurting my fingers while putting them all into the proper place. Will this be even worse ?
Mechanic set blows this one away, and was half the price.
25% off aint bad.
I got my stanley set in from last week, and so far so good!
This is a good chance for people to get in on what they missed with the last ratchet/socket set.
It’s $10 more, but you get 26 more pieces…
I think the other set was a good deal… this on not so much.
And you can’t beat the lifetime warranty!
I think I’ll pass on tihs one, not as good a deal as the last one, but still pretty decent for a lifetim warranty!
Stanley…stll made in America?
[QUOTE=jjcool, post:7, topic:99558]
25% off aint bad.
It’s 13 percent off… although I will say that the one at Amazon is slightly different (not sure if it’s better or worse), and that Amazon takes 4-6 WEEKS to ship it. So if you want one of these, definitely get it here… I am just saying that usually Woot offers a bigger discount than 13 percent.
Not quite the bargain of a 0.99 keyboard, but this is a good price plus cheap shipping. Stanley tools have a solid reputation, so it’s not like bargain tools here.
My Second sellout.woot
(add to tons of shirt.woots, and uncountable regular woots…)
[QUOTE=elpepe, post:4, topic:99558]
$29 shipped at Amazon…
Not really a great bargain, woot!
The one at amazon is not the same. 9 of those “pieces” are “speciality bits” - screwdriver bits, this is all wratchet. A quick search has this selling for $50 everywhere. Great to keep in the back of the car.
I got the last stanley offered from woot!.. Had to manually put all the pieces where the belong, Because looked like someone threw them all in the case… Hurt my fingers. I hope this will not be the same.
Still should have a lifetime warrenty from stanley.
I really think I want this. Stanley makes good tools here in the USA…but how does one store sockets in a soft-sided case.My imagination is failing me. Has anyone seen this before?
Got the 65 piece version back in July (see my sig) and these work well for me. I am not too rough on my tools and just use them around the house every now and then. For under 20 bucks, this is a good deal.
Nice math people. 13% ? 25% ? Derrrr, maybe its close to 33% off? I mean $20 compared to $30. Not to hard to compute.
Having just spent the same amount for twice the pieces at Target on their cheap chinese brand and found it to be just as effective (I have plenty of ratchets) as any other I’ve seen, I have to go with selling out to the great empire across the sea… which stanley has probably done too…
I’ve had this set for many years in my cars. Stanley makes quality tools. It’s saved me costly towing bills and mechanic bills on quite a few occasions. Add a nice set of quality wrenches and screwdrivers then you are set for most any roadside repair.
Come back in a couple years when your Chinese set is rusted through.