Star Wars Chewbacca Walk N' Roar 12" Plush

Star Wars Chewbacca Walk N' Roar 12" Plush

@pepper114 @sammydog01

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I hate you. First sucker.



Buy one so I don’t feel so stupid.

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More or less than how you feel about @Froodyfrog?

But it looks so fluffy!

I’ll let you know when it comes. I can put it next to my Chewbacca Furby.

I kinda want one, but the cats will not approve.

Hey Woot! Can you price match/adjust Game Stop on this item ($10)?
I already purchased one from Woot!

No GameStop within 100 miles of me has it in stock.


Yeah but will Game Stop ship it to your house for that price so you can think, what is in this box? OMG IT’S CHEWBACCA! I FORGOT I ORDERED IT!