Wellington 2007 Zinfandel, Meeks Hilltop Ranch - 3 Pack

Wellington 2007 Zinfandel, Meeks Hilltop Ranch - 3 Pack
$47.99 + $5 shipping
PRODUCT: 3 2007 Zinfandel, Meeks Hilltop Ranch
CT link above

Man, the maintenance team must’ve cast Cesare out to sea!

Wellington 2007 Meeks Hilltop Ranch Zinfandel

Previous Offers:
2/21/11 (2006 vintage in a mixed case)

EDIT - And somehow he found a life preserver and made his way back to shore while I was link-posting!

DRAT no NH! I was able to get the Woot Cellars Vinito del Finito Wellington so this make me very sad. :frowning:

visited with Peter yesterday at the winery, I did taste this particular wine in the tasting room, I didn’t take any notes but recall it was very nice and inline with the 06’s flavor profile which I enjoyed quite a bit earlier in the year.
Peter, thank you for the impromptu tour and your discussion on 11’ harvest and the difficult season you had. My dad who is a businessman through and through found new respect for the difficulties of your industry and how much of your success is tied to the weather and my mom who studied Botany at Cal Poly really enjoyed talking about farming with you.

Absolute highlight of our trip, thank you for your hospitality and taking the time for us.

Love the wine and your honest approach to difficult a industry.

I will be at bridge tonight as well. This is going to be a great year! Too bad you can’t get decent wine at the venue. Hope you have a great time!

I have purchased numerous Wellington wines from wine.woot in the past year or so and I have not been disappointed yet !

I also joined their wine club I was so impress with their wines.

Does anyone know why we can only purchase one ?

Oh, no! I just got my wine club shipment plus, um, another case and a half, because one can never have too much Wellington, and there is no room in my cellar or on my credit card…

…hello, oh mesmerizing stupidly large yellow button.

No MD shipping:-(

They do appear to have a permit to ship to Maryland

Here is a quote from a previous post

Also, we DO have a Maryland direct shippers permit, but it’s not listed as a ship-to state. If you’re in MD you could try contacting w00t service to see if they’ll sell/ship to you.

I have a confession to make:

We manipulated the alcohol level of this blend. All three of the vineyard blocks we used in this blend had alcohol levels well over 15% in 2007, with the “Front Yard” east facing block the highest at 15.6%. We had several barrels of the Front Yard block “de-alced” - dropping the alcohol level in those barrels to 10%. This allowed us the option of constructing a final blend with alcohol anywhere from 14.0 to 15.4% After blending and taste trials we settled on 14.8% as the “sweet spot”. (I believe sweet spot is a term coined by Clark Smith, the father of fine tuning alcohol levels in wine). The labels were printed earlier in the year and say 14.9%, so they’re actually remarkably accurate. We avoided beating up the wine by subjecting only 12% of the blend to the alcohol removal process. The final blend was 63% Hilltop block, 6% Over-the-Hill block, 25% Front Yard (untreated), 12% Front Yard low alcohol, and 3% Durif (aka petite sirah). Yes, if you (and I know who you are) add that up it’s only 99%, but then you do know about rounding errors, no?

Yes, please harass the woot monkeys

Peter do you know why we can only order 1 ?

A) Programming error. When the site was down for “Maintenance” they introduced a bunch of bugs.

B) w00t is trying to not have a sellout so they can keep a load of this for themselves.

C) It’s a commie plot.

Ta ta for now. I’ll check for questions and try to answer them tomorrow.

Looking to get this shipped to MD as well. I used to live in CT so this was never an issue. Anyone know the procedure if they’ve got a direct ship?

You blend Carignane and Petite Sirah into your Estate Zin?!!

C, almost certainly! They meddled with those goddarn figures to steal 1% of your grapes too.

I learn so much about winemaking from your posts, Peter! Keep going, it makes it so enjoyable :slight_smile:
I’m wondering if your last crush for Mohrhardt is going to be even later than last year (I was there for the last day last year!). I’ll be there just after Halloween if you’re around, and I’d love to get my hsands dirty! Karren on Monday, I presume…

Hopefully the code monkeys will fix it.


I am so excited, I have been wanting more Wellington for WEEKS now and trying not to drink every bottle in my cellar. Although - just one? CRUELTY.