Which of these classic PlayStation consoles do you own in working condition?
Kid worked, saved up, and bought a PS5. Good for him!
I still have a PlayStation and a PlayStation 2 - both in working order.
I unfortunately never owned a PlayStation 3, even though I wanted one. However, $599.99 was not justifiable under any circumstances.
I skipped the PlayStation 4 era in entirety in favor of mostly PC gaming.
I now have a PlayStation 5 and also do PC gaming.
There are
2 PS3.
2 PS4.
One PS5, which is the only one currently being used.
Last time I used the PS3 was when Sony was threatening to turn off the servers with the downloads. So I put 250 GB drives in each PS3 and downloaded all the games that I owned. Then when Sony backtracked on that I haven’t touched those console sense.
Owner of PlayStations 1 - 4 here, though I haven’t played any of them in a long while. Probably should break out the old PS2 and play Defender. I had good times playing that updated version of the arcade classic.
1,3 & 4. I’m not sure why I never bought a PS2.
I bought my first console mowing yards. It was the Sega Genesis off a friend whose parents bought him the Saturn. It was my upgrade from the NES and Atari, so I could get into titles of Mortal Combat and Marvel.
Onto Sony… I wanted a Sony PS1 because they had a 1) port of my favorite arcade game, Area 51 and 2) my favorite computer game that I played at friends and we didn’t own a decent computer, Command & Conquer: Red Alert. It may have also been purchased with lawn mowing earnings. The memories… long story short, your kid will have more memories of the process compared just being handed the latest and greatest console.
I have a PS3. It is nice to play 4 player basketball with kids or let them go on the Lego titles.
Great memories of things we EARNED as kids.
My suggestion of blah blah blah compound interest blah blah blah fell on deaf ears, but when he was working and saving for a goal that was just fine.
Just a PS3 that my grandson still uses occasionally.
3, 4, 5. Before that I couldn’t really afford them.
Why are we answering this (these) questions??
Hi, I’m here to admit my vote is false. I was looking for “other”. It’s time I came cleannn
None of the above
No game consoles, PlayStation or otherwise. I’d rather read a book.
All of 'em!
PS4 is a classic console? C’mon at least have the PSP on there
My son had PS 1 through 4. He declared one day “Playstation sucks” and bought an Xbox. We threw him out.