Woot Locker

Woot Locker


We Want Monte

Only if there’s gonna be punch & cookies


What time do we tune in if we don’t have 4 hours to stare at an empty box that has a cost in the 4 digits?

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I’ll call you when they put the ticks in.


We all knows how this goes. Someone is going to pay $276.80 for a faux banana, a case of peach Lacroix, a bath mat, three shoelaces, a broken blender, refurbished ticks, and a set of star wars somethings.

If they put one of those woot monkey pillows in there it’ll be @qazxswe who buys it.

It’s not worth 4 hours of my life with a sketchy data connection. Now, if they did this on a Friday night that’s different. I have snacks at my house and wifi. Or a Saturday afternoon. We could all day drink.

No. Only if they put all 3 Woot pillows in it.

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I thought you were only one shy of the whole set.

No0; I’m 3 shy.

I refused to buy the monkey pillows since I couldn’t get the B0C pillow.

(People thought that the B0C pillow was am actual B0C.)

I remember that. I thought it was hilarious.

I regret not buying the monkey snuggie.

Mine is still in the original bag.

Somebody is selling one on eBay.

$40 is kinda excessive.

Right, but there’s an eBay Bucks promo.


Want to buy one for $38.99? :laughing:

I’ve always assumed Ebay bucks were rabid deer or a scam.

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Woot should throw in some deals like they do in other twitch streams…


So what’s the price point where these things tend to actually sell at?