Woot! Secrets!

No. Made in Slough,Berkshire England.

The bridge

How many VP’s does Woot! have?

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Victoria’s Secret?

Born a dude.


Where did you bury the body?

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Thanks. Now I want to know why it says “sometimes”?

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Damn good question.

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How did a Pointless Push end up on the Woot! Secrets! thread? I blame Milo.

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Who is JR?


Is Pebo, the cat, the Woot overlord?
They want you to give him money!

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Why do birds …suddenly appear …
any time …
You are near?
Do do do do…

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The one time you had a search bar, it led to a B0C!

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How do we get more Pokémon card sets on Woot?

Do you miss Texas?

I feel like the search feature “secret” isn’t much of a secret… :crazy_face:


I knew it!

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I like the sound of this, maybe not the accompanying odor :nauseated_face:

Good to know… it would make life easier for me+