NOTE: If you are checking out with Amazon Prime and you are seeing a shipping cost during checkout, look for and tap/click the “Use this address” button. The order page will finish loading and shipping will update.
Restrictions and fine print:
Minimum purchase of 2+ shirts required
Shirts prior to checkout must be $19.
You can order as many times as you want. If you wanna buy 300 shirts we’re not stopping you!
Free shipping not valid for international orders.
Valid only on Shirt.Woot apparel offers. Blankets and other non-apparel offers are not eligible.
Limit of one promotion per transaction, this offer is not combinable with any other promotions.
The discount is shown on the final order screen that displays the button.
Offer valid from March 24, 2024 at 12:00am CT until March 29, 2025 at 10:59pm CT.
Discount shows on the page with the “PLACE ORDER” button only.
No discount is shown before this page.
Of course I ordered one shirt before I found out about the sale. Incidentally, when you see a shirt one day and it’s gone the next, is that usually because Woot found out it was too similar to an existing shirt?
ha ha i didnt notice the misspell i was like why did he say that at first??? i read what i typed and didnt even catch it the first time. ha ha yea it should have been shirts not