Are you a fan of professional wrestling?
No. When I was a kid, I would stay up late to watch GLoW, but I mean… come on Gorgeous Ladies of Wrestling!? What prepubescent kid WOULDN’T want to stay up and watch that!? I mean… most of them were far from “gorgeous” but
What were we talking about? Oh, yeah… that’s right. Wrestling. Nah… that shit’s fake as hell. I’d rather watch soap operas than that crap.
To follow up on your soap opera statement, it is written and orchestrated as soap opera on steriods (literally and figuratively) with acrobats mixed in.
With that being said, I can find it entertaining at times. It is something I will put on during some lifting. Though, it can get repetitive. The new WWE guys seem to be in shadows trying to mimic the OG wrestlers and then the Attitude Era (97-02). They don’t cut promos as well, and they are not nearly as funny. My comments on current are WWE, and I wonder if AEW fairs better channeling what makes wrestling fun, funny, and exciting.
Like sands through the hours glass…it doesn’t matter what the sand says… that’s the bottom line cause Stone Cold says so!
Oh, yeah… I know. At least with soap operas, though, there’s some good looking girls once in awhile. And back in the 90’s there was one I did watch because I really liked the band…
But I did like Hulk Hogan, Andre the Giant, Rowdy Rodder Piper… all those guys, but even then I never really go into it. I am now, and always have been, more of a nerd
I used to be a fan back when the Rock was wrestling with Stone Cold Steve Austin and the Von Erich’s as little kid. Now I have no time to watch.
Cody Rhodes is carrying on his family’s legacy well. NXT is cute. The ladies do amazing for their size. Strength without bulk. Sheer athleticism, week after week. AEW feels grittier. Love the black and white lady. Easy entertainment for the background.
Life got busy after 2003, so no WWE for me. I only started catching streaming in last couple years. So I missed Cody’s WWE and then leaving for AEW. So, when returned, I didn’t get the hype initially. Yeah I understand now. It would be cool to see him and his brother wrestling together with Cody being at top of WWE… I don’t know if WWE amd AEW would play nicely in the sandbox to pull off a promotional event together.
Was back in the day, but not currently
It’s just over hype and bogus best one’s are Olympics and championships where people represent country and fight for pride.
Instead of money, hype and promotion.
WWE sucks IMHO.
Went to school with Lance Cade. I should have picked up his action figure when it was at ToysRUs.
I use to be a fan, then I grew up. The scripting got too over the top. Pro wrestlers are, in my opinion, stunt men (and women) in spandex
That’s a fair sentiment. It is why college sports tend to be more heart capturing than the pros of NBA, NFL, etc…Yet, colleges recruiting and promotions are crazy, and it will be a matter of time they are paid…Then, the Olympics can have some great stories for perseverance of a dream and sportsmanship. Yet, the sad reality is state-sanctioned doping and gear (aka steriods) is far more rampant, rarely caught by IOC (they need a whistleblower to have evidence to start an investigation), and makes it entirely unfair for other nations that cannot invest in pharmaceuticals.
All that is why I don’t get bother by the “sports entertainment” of WWE because if anything, it is essentially open that it is just that…hype, money, steriods, and scripted.
Hell NO. Phony as a $3 bill.