100 Dollar Bill Tin Money Bank
100 Dollar Bill Tin Money Bank
Odd. Shows as wootoff on app, but desktop browser shows JBL headphones without the wootoff flare.
Never mind, carry on.
Am I the only one that noticed it was 10.99$ in the preview before it became available and was 12.99$ then ?
I have the Chefman version of this, love it!
@therealjrn --So is this really worth the counter space? Or would a pan and water work almost as well?
These things are crazy convenient, IMO. They do the job very well.
See my review at the link I just posted above - worth it for me!
It is to me.
It will only be out when I’m using it.
I eat a lot of eggs.
Do you have canisters out on your counter?
Hm. For $11, I might’ve just sprung. But $13 plus shipping doesn’t make it that good a deal. Hm. Maybe it’ll hit leftovers, and there’ll be something else I want/need that I missed during the woot!off, and then it’ll be worth it.
No, I have an indoor grill. And a whole lot of junk that I look at and wonder why I don’t just clear it off so my counters are nice and usable.
@davejlives I need you to start selling more items for $1 so I can continue to purchase them at Woot’s loss that way we can both maintain the style of living we’ve become accustomed to.
Don’t you have cabinets? I have one full of kitchen appliances.
And yes, I do use all of them, depending on what I’m preparing.
Uhm, yes? And they’re all full, too? Mostly with pots and pans, and the Jenn-Air parts that I don’t understand how to use?
happy hour baby
@davejlives I need you to start selling more items for $1 so I can continue to purchase them at Woot’s loss that way we can both maintain the style of living we’ve become accustomed to.
let me take a stab at the items he will be marking down for TTHH.
My predictions:
100 Dollar Bill Tin Money Bank
Single Art Dot Marker - Orange
Travel Utensils for Babies
SaludPPE Basic Medical Exam Gloves
Good guesses. And I would probably buy all of them though I don’t need any of them. I have a box of gloves in my bathroom I bought about a year ago thinking they would come in handy. None of them have been used.
I bought that paint and don’t remember where I put it. At least you know where the gloves are.
I had to stop and think about it and I’m only somewhat certain that’s where I put the box.
As for the paint, I gave it to someone else so I don’t have to worry about it. I would have found a way to spill it if I had kept it. It’s what I do.
I had a vague plan for it at the time, but now? Who knows. It very well may be in my fridge with all the pickles I buy and forget I have.