BELLA Double Egg Cooker, White

BELLA Double Egg Cooker, White

Odd. Shows as wootoff on app, but desktop browser shows JBL headphones without the wootoff flare.

Never mind, carry on.

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Am I the only one that noticed it was 10.99$ in the preview before it became available and was 12.99$ then ?

I have the Chefman version of this, love it!

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@therealjrn --So is this really worth the counter space? Or would a pan and water work almost as well?


These things are crazy convenient, IMO. They do the job very well.

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See my review at the link I just posted above - worth it for me!


It is to me.

It will only be out when I’m using it.

I eat a lot of eggs.

Do you have canisters out on your counter?

Hm. For $11, I might’ve just sprung. But $13 plus shipping doesn’t make it that good a deal. Hm. Maybe it’ll hit leftovers, and there’ll be something else I want/need that I missed during the woot!off, and then it’ll be worth it.


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No, I have an indoor grill. And a whole lot of junk that I look at and wonder why I don’t just clear it off so my counters are nice and usable.


@davejlives I need you to start selling more items for $1 so I can continue to purchase them at Woot’s loss that way we can both maintain the style of living we’ve become accustomed to.

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Don’t you have cabinets? I have one full of kitchen appliances.

And yes, I do use all of them, depending on what I’m preparing.

Uhm, yes? And they’re all full, too? Mostly with pots and pans, and the Jenn-Air parts that I don’t understand how to use?


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happy hour baby


let me take a stab at the items he will be marking down for TTHH.

My predictions:


Good guesses. And I would probably buy all of them though I don’t need any of them. I have a box of gloves in my bathroom I bought about a year ago thinking they would come in handy. None of them have been used.


I bought that paint and don’t remember where I put it. At least you know where the gloves are.


I had to stop and think about it and I’m only somewhat certain that’s where I put the box.

As for the paint, I gave it to someone else so I don’t have to worry about it. I would have found a way to spill it if I had kept it. It’s what I do.


I had a vague plan for it at the time, but now? Who knows. It very well may be in my fridge with all the pickles I buy and forget I have.