Blue Ornate Clocks

Blue Ornate Clocks

Whoa, actually got one for once

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I wanted the “blue ornate mantle clock”! Not a BoC!





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Got it!!!

Same! I’m pretty sure my gran had something similar. I can’t believe Woot got me mad about wanting clocks over a BOC.




That’s like 3 times I got through VOP only to have Amazon Pay keep looping between check out, and confirming payment method, back to checkout etc, when I’m using an active amazon account tied to an active amazon card

Uh oh.

Did you log out and back in? I have switched over to my woot login, but not been ready.

This one actually was curious about these clocks!

Honestly I would put one of those on the mantle lol

i was trying to buy the tape and had an amazon pay issue…so was late to the vop on this. time to figure out how to log in without amazon.

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The main page’s pic reminds me of the old woot! and how the Momma would manage to Snag her Bag. I had told her “If the picture doesn’t make any sense, don’t stop and think about it just immediately click on Buy then Buy, then don’t click on anything else until Confirm appears.” She actually had a really good batting average at Snagging.

I miss coming home and seeing her sitting there with a big ol’ secret smile. I always knew before she said, that she’d managed to Snag yet anothe Bag. And then she’d wiggle a little in the chair and say something like, “I followed your instructions and wasted my money buying one of those stupid boxes.”



I just tried with the current item, same thing
Add to Cart
Proceed to checkout
Proceed to Amazon Pay for payment and shipping options
Look at screen, confirm things are right - Continue to checkout, which actually just brings me back to my cart

Amazon showing my my address/payment info I would imagine would mean I’m logged in correctly

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best story today

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Signed in with my old Paypal acct, hoping for it to work…

i had a moment thinking “is this for clocks” or “is it a boc” while waiting in the vop. i figured either was ok if i made it thru.

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you deleted that account last week

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Dang, I was gonna come in here and say that grammatically it should have been “ornate blue clocks.” Now I see not only that I’m a dork, but also that I missed the Basketful of Curmudgeons. I’ll be leaving right about … now. :frowning:

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