BOC Day: Thursday, 4/18/19

Same happened to me last one, then I got this one. Keep on trying.

I guess I was looking at the wrong holiday… found nothing in the “Amscan Joyous Menorah Celebration Plates”…

I just dont know if my vesti is procesding if its not automatically reloading like it used to. Ask the tech peeps for me please if I manually reload the page, will my place in vesti go to the front? Or did something change and auto reload of page every so often is not a thing anymore?? :woman_shrugging:

Yanked from the cart

Booted at 14 minutes this time, at least I know I can go eat some food now…lol

still in VOP for 40 minutes… think i won? :roll_eyes:

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Yeah totally, good job

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you won the longest to wait in the VoP
hands you a rum and coke


just got booted… only 46 minutes later

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Good guess tho. I was over by the xmas m&m’s


Drinking heavily
In the VoP today
Its a party - yea!

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Take good notes as you tag along after everybody. Dig until you actually spot the message in red. This one is similar to the prior one where I failed miserably. But my notes from that time allowed me to make it this time. Also, browse the chatter here. Usually there are some really good hints and detail.

Avoid rookie mistakes are not checking “stay signed in”, and not having your account connected to a current credit card (mine in the last session after I almost made it).

Welcome to the wait
hands you a bottle of Scotch
We will be a while


I thought it was the weed wreath but I’m a noob so there’s that.

lol it was

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Glad I wasn’t the only one lurking in the T-shirts!

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Ok but I didn’t see a BOC. Was I supposed to buy the wreath?

it will be a link, not an actual picture of the bag


Was probably already gone by the time you found it. The link was there, took me a few minutes to find it. Sold out by the time I did

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Thanks guise!