Derby #432: Non-Electronic Games

Does this mean that it opens for entries on Thursday at noon, or is it still Friday like usual?

They said they wanted to eliminate the downtime for voters, so my guess is we can submit on thursday now.

[QUOTE=taternuggets, post:3, topic:448295]
They said they wanted to eliminate the downtime for voters, so my guess is we can submit on thursday now.

A.B.V. Always Be Voting.

Yep, Monday at Noon and Thursday at Noon. You’ll always be able to vote and submit and you’ll have a preview for every derby to give you extra time to work.

[QUOTE=tgentry, post:5, topic:448295]
Yep, Monday at Noon and Thursday at Noon. You’ll always be able to vote and submit and you’ll have a preview for every derby to give you extra time to work.

woot should just do away with the themes and deadlines altogether. this would eliminate the complaints about whether a particular design is “on-topic” or not. with no deadlines, just have continuous submissions and continuous public voting on each submitted design for several days … mabe up to two weeks. mabe have a 3 or 4 level scoring system (“ugh”, “meh”, “good”, “w00t!”). imma sure the woot art directors dread the drudgery of running the contests … you could call the new arrangement “dreadless.”

[QUOTE=tgentry, post:5, topic:448295]
Yep, Monday at Noon and Thursday at Noon. You’ll always be able to vote and submit and you’ll have a preview for every derby to give you extra time to work.

that extra time is the only reason i submitted this week. i don’t draw fast so usually i’d join the party late and the leaders would already be 40 votes ahead and untouchable.

I very much like this idea, after I come up with an idea or two(about two days) it takes me another five to ten days to complete the shirt.

Maybe I am slow but I am also a perfectionist.(I am unable to show my work until I think it is perfect) As a result I have never been able to submit even one of my designs, since the derby is over before I’m even finished.

take care

[QUOTE=tgentry, post:5, topic:448295]
Yep, Monday at Noon and Thursday at Noon. You’ll always be able to vote and submit and you’ll have a preview for every derby to give you extra time to work.

Ooooh!! This is an exciting change. So when do we get the heads up on the theme for the derby that launches on Thursdays? I apologize if you have already explained this 10,000 times. I’ve been busy. :slight_smile:

[QUOTE=cherylfrancis, post:9, topic:448295]
Ooooh!! This is an exciting change. So when do we get the heads up on the theme for the derby that launches on Thursdays? I apologize if you have already explained this 10,000 times. I’ve been busy. :slight_smile:

the preview for today’s theme was included in the first post of this thread, which is dated april 13, or monday.

[QUOTE=cherylfrancis, post:9, topic:448295]
Ooooh!! This is an exciting change. So when do we get the heads up on the theme for the derby that launches on Thursdays? I apologize if you have already explained this 10,000 times. I’ve been busy. :slight_smile:

Mondays. On Thursdays we launch this derby with a preview of what will be launching on Monday, on Monday we go into more detail for Monday’s derby and preview the Thursday derby, so on ad infinitum.