Did you know that you can get 10% off purchases made on the Woot app today?
Sweet!!! Looking for a 75" 4K tv… now, all I need is to find the Search Bar and I’m all set… Search Bar, Search Bar where is that Search Bar.?
What’s an … app?
If only you had a Search Bar, then you could find the Search Bar
Been looking forward to this, but none of the items I need are available. Like there’s a fresh Oakley sale that just went up, but the one model I need isn’t there. Same for the tools.
Guess no luck for me this time around.
Right? Bwahahaha
There’s a surefire way to save 100% of your hard earned dollars…
Saw it in the wild 1st.
Woot’s current search works like Blinkin on guard duty. Sorry for those who don’t know Robin Hood Men In Tights.
Is shipping doubled today too?
Yep, I just got 10% off
Oh boy saving $$ worth the sales tax
Okay, got a few things I’ve had my eye on.
Is it 10% off everything or just somethings?
You can keep your app discounts. I choose not to use a mobile device.
No. I am this sure…