Homemade Ice Cream Maker

Homemade Ice Cream Maker

I bought this Ice Cream Maker and it is unuseable the inside is dis formed and ther is no way the stir blade cwn fit iside. I can’t return it because it was under $20 and I didn’t want to order another one and be out even more money if the nside was the same as the one I was sent.

Sorry for the issues. :sob:

If you haven’t yet, please contact CS.

To contact CS:

From a browser, use the Woot! Customer Service form.

In the Woot! App, choose Account from the bottom navigation and then Support.

Note: Woot! Customer Service replies go to the email address on your Woot! account, not your Amazon login email if used/different.

(Please note: I don’t work for Woot, I just volunteer to help out here on the forums.)

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Hi there. The message for the return under $20 just says to contact CS rather than doing a self return. It doesn’t say you can’t return it.

And wow. I’m wondering what caused that.

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