Monkey plays Pong on screen using Elon Musk’s Neurolink implant in brain
I need something to distract the voices in my head…
Well…. We did today and that’s enough for now.
Addicted to Monkey Business?
Stimpy, you eediot!
Pokemon Game Chat (PoGo, Let’s Go, et al)
Is more my speed
Every time I need to poop.
No idea what that is. So the answer is 0.
Everyday. Sometimes it is too silly or whatever but often it at least brings a smile to my face. Sometimes even a chuckle, so it’s worth it for me.
Keep it up!
Maybe once or twice?
Are you really asking, or are you trying to confirm the accuracy of how often your website metrics say I read it?
I need my Monkey Chat fix everyday. Most times I get what I need, but other times it leaves me jonesing.
Monkey Chat - where the urbane sophisticate goes for cutting edge sophomoric humor…
Ok… I seem to have missed this Monkey Chat you speak of…
Let me see…