HydroJug Arctic Glass 64oz

HydroJug Arctic Glass 64oz

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Why are there no pics showing the spout, or opening, or how you can drink from it with one hand? These are all features touted in the copy, but it sure would be nice to see what it all looks like, before spending 25 bucks for a water bottle.
Also, I can understand why they suggest not putting hot liquids in it, but why only water? Why would fruit/veggie juices, or any other non-carbonated drinks not be advised?

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Hi there. We got some more photos added.

As to your other question, not sure but that’s what it says on their site.


Several years ago I looked into a few pricey water bottles. As for carbonated beverages, it’s usually because the seal isn’t rated to hold pressure so your drink would go flat. As for fruit/veggie juices it’s likely because they would stain, or in some cases where the drink is higher acidity (like lemonade or tomato juice, etc.) perhaps the seal or the finish could deteriorate.

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It’s a gallon jug. You sure you don’t want to decant into a cup?
I’d be in for one except I already purchased 64 and 24 oz containers from Woot.