Juice Cleanses: 1 Day, 3 Day, 5 Day

Juice cleanses, again? I guess you guys either have a long term contract with that vendor, or have so many suckers buying a product that if used as advertised is detrimental to your well being, that it really pays to keep putting them up for sale.

But please, keep me from having a pocketknife shipped to upstate NY.

screw this woot. I remember your father, one deal a day, no crap (just bags), and actual deals.

Now you just sell protien powder and Juice cleanses and how many other 100’s of items all the time most of which are no more than $5-10 off the next price point on mothership amazon or off on Ebay.

Woot, if your father were still alive today to see what you’ve become, he would be very very dissapointed in you. I know I am.

I 2nd that about there not being good deals anymore. Although the cleanse does work.

When was the last bag of crap? I haven’t seen one for ages.

Got kidneys?
Congrats! You’re already cleansing you system!

This crap does nothing for you.

I have a question about this product. These bottles contain about a gram or half a gram of fat, but also contain fat soluble vitamins. I have read that during cleanses it is presumed that you will fast from food other than the juice. Is that correct? If so, considering that my body would be unable to absorb those vitamins throughout the duration of the cleanse, what is the purpose of adding these vitamins to the product?

If you don’t want to get ripped off so much. 3 day cleanses are 89.99 on living social.

Don’t forget the liver!

You’ll loose weight, but you should really call that mass. Look at these numbers:

Calories 1248
Total Carbohydrate 394g
Sugars 232g
Protein 32

You’re eating nothing but carbs from sugar, with about half a day’s protein and about 10 days of sugar…