condition: Refurbished
I don’t know about the 2100, but I’ve got a 5100 and love it.
I sell GPS at Circuit City, don’t go with a navigon, their almost as bad as Cobra
My question is… W T F is in Rockford, IL that’s more important than Chicago??
Got one last time woot offered it. LOVE it!
I’ve really wanted this GPS for a while, but I don’t want a refurb…arggh!!
At least at this price, it makes it cost effective to buy the traffic card.
navigon is the most hackable, and makes it a lot more appealing
[QUOTE=chingmiester, post:4, topic:175233]
I sell GPS at Circuit City, don’t go with a navigon, their almost as bad as Cobra
Thanks captain NO WOOTS!
We have one of these and for what it is, it’s a good little GPS unit. Pretty cheap for text to speech, clear voice, and a recent map upgrade that’s great. Their traffic updates are lifetime if you buy the card, and the screen actually shows you what you are seeing at difficult intersections and on ramps, which is a GREAT feature.
The screen is a little small, but I just use a DS stylus to get around that. All in all it’s a good little GPS for the price.
shame shame shame
they’re selling this exact same thing over at scnoop,
what kinda WO is this anyway???
How can anyone expect to get deals with crap like this goin on…
[QUOTE=JadenKale, post:5, topic:175233]
My question is… W T F is in Rockford, IL that’s more important than Chicago??
cheap trick started there… other than that…nada…
i got this last year for $99 and it included lifetime traffic. i like it
I guess that explains what you were doing raping the dead…
[QUOTE=JadenKale, post:5, topic:175233]
My question is… W T F is in Rockford, IL that’s more important than Chicago??
Not more important just safer to bring your car.
[QUOTE=Sharky35, post:10, topic:175233]
Thanks captain NO WOOTS!
I normally buy under roomate’s account.
Gimme my bag o carp. That’s Vida Guerrrrrrrra ^^
My roommate bought one of these, and it is amazing. For the amount of money you are spending, I would suggest buying one if you have any use for a GPS unit. I just bought one, and I am looking forward to it coming in.
Glad I was able to get one of these. I was hoping woot would rewoot these during the woot off