Need help finding...

Feel free to hijack this thread for other people to request people perform the labor of help them find things they wish to buy.

My wish to buy is one of those folding storage cubes. The kind that go in here ClosetMaid Cubeicals 6 Cube Storage Shel. But I’m using it specifically to hold all my Woot! crap and all my current ones are blues, reds, greys, etc. Does anyone know where I can get a suitably green one to fill the void of not having a crappy Woot! storage cube thing? I’m seeing greens, but not really a ‘Woot!’ green.

What about this one?

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That is indeed suitably green (if a little spendy). It was only showing me the paler green at first, good eye!

No. Also … No.


Entries go over there;

[Vmod edit: removed the link, it causes entires in the wrong place.]

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Big Sky Help GIF by ABC Network

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Comedy Central What GIF by Lights Out with David Spade


i guess no one wants ice cream realized, only dreams about it
Happy Ice Cream GIF


@WootyBot roll 4d6

:game_die: 1, 3, 5, 2

It’s been more than five posts, so it’s now a lostredditors lostwooters thread.

At least no one has asked about catshirts … or needing technical support for the said shirt.


Shirts are confusing.


Speaking of that, if you would kindly provide a step-by-step guide, completely with photos of each step and a video tutorial, of how to not only put on a Woot shirt, but also how to remove it, I would be most grateful.


If you really want a video of how to take off a shirt, ask @davejlives.


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No, I think it should be @notmatty. He did that so well in the Woot videos.


Penguin Shrug GIF by Pudgy Penguins

I’m not sure I could handle that much excitement.

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You know what would calm you down?

If you say beef organ pills and/or melatonin gummies, I will have to hurt you.


I was only gonna say beef organ pills.

I wasn’t gonna mention the melatonin combo.

@peaceetc - Fixed for clarification.

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