Oster 10-Cup Stainless Steel Professional Food Processor

Hundred bucks on 'zon

I wonder how many people are aware there’s also a home.wootoff :expressionless:

I didn’t, and now I’m pumped!

come on, slap chop!

Saw this same one at Wal-mart for the same price. I do like anything Oster, but their prices are…pricey.

what is going to be made by processing those vegetables together?

silly cole slaw!

This one is taking longer than I expected to sell out.

Does anyone know if woot has ever sold Kitchen Aid mixers for less than $300? I’d love to get one of those.

that was my first thought but there didn’t seem to be enough cabbage! then again, i don’t cook edible things.

true lol I honestly have no idea what that combination would make

My Christmas wish is that this, the Star Wars lunchbox, the monkey wine, and the HP refurb will all sell out very quickly so we can get to the next woots.

Damn I missed some stuff I actually needed. sigh One day programmable crockpot…you will be mine.

Scores 44/100 on Consumer Reports. The top model scores 73/100.

