FUN FACT: September is National Potato Month. On theme. Boom.
I’m not too proud to say that I had to google this.
Is this a well-known meme? I am scratching my head trying to understand why I was the only one that didn’t get it.
I stand with acraigl.
I didn’t get the allusion, either.
I’m ashamed to say that there are some gaps in my geekiness.
But now my education is complete.
From Lord of the Rings (movie). When Samwise and Gollum are at the campfire and Golum asks what taters are. Sam replies, “Po-Tay-Toes. Boil 'em Mash 'em. Stick 'em in a stew.”
It’s a line we’ve said around the house and in our family since we first saw the movies. It cracks me up every time. lol
And many others apparently. I love LotR as much as the next nerd, but I have no recollection of that scene. I must be losing touch.
Mandela Effect?
False memory is not the same as a bad one, LOL.