Politics! huh... What is it Good For?! [unmoderated-read first post!]


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So, since I started the first two Politics threads (here (Can Politics Be Civil) and here (Politics is Broken - Prove Me Wrong)), there have been right at 40,000 (FORTY THOUSAND) posts and I think I have successfully proven that, no… politics can NOT be civil, nor has anyone successfully proven that politics is NOT broken. With the most recent iteration of this train wreck closing in on the maximum posts allowed per thread… I am starting yet a third branch, just so that we can have somewhere nice to argue. Glutton for punishment, I must be. :man_shrugging:t3:

I’m not even going to try and pretend that this thread is going to be civil. That train has long since left the station. What I will do, just so that I can say that I at least tried, is ask that you TRY not to ACTIVELY get us and this thread banned. I am sure that @ThunderThighs will mark this [unmoderated] as she did the last thread, but that does not make this the Wild West where everything and anything goes.

With that…

Lets Get It On Fight GIF


If you have shown your previous threads are broken and skirt being banned what is the point of starting another?



People like to argue. :man_shrugging:t3: Me being one. It’s fun :cowboy_hat_face:

This gives people somewhere on Woot to vent outside of the main threads.


Kudos to the mods to have the patience to not just out right booting this topic like I would have.


I’m out.


Nice to be here !!! You rock @RebelTaz


nicksplat doug GIF


It is his one of his hobbies…… It brought you back here​:joy: talk about getting a hobby :woozy_face::woman_facepalming::roll_eyes:

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My hobby is pissing off people. Apparently I’m good at it, because… here you are :man_shrugging:


Conor Mckenna Fah GIF by Foil Arms and Hog




This is what true diversity of thought and bipartisan leadership looks like.



Don’t flatter yourself, Reba. Did you drink your sea water today? :joy::joy::rofl:


Yep… the left wing party is scared about Democracy? They forced Agencies to censor news, even humor…. Be very scared of Comrade Harris, very……


The only way, I can think of, to fix the system is to stop voting for the same people over and over again. Both sides promise to fix the issues but once elected never do. Neither side really wants what is best for the people. They just want to stay in power and receive all of the perks that come along with it. They know that people are to dumb to really understand what is going on. And if the people do understand, politicians know that if it on their side of the aisle, people will justify it and if on the other side, condemn it.
It is obvious to me, taking the current occupant of the White House into consideration, that the government runs itself. The bureaucracy (a system of government in which most of the important decisions are made by state officials rather than by elected representatives) are the people who are really running things. At this point the people we elect are just clowns at the circus and puppets in a puppet show
So glad I’m older now. Good luck keeping this republic. We have all given up way to much privacy in the name of security and it’s far to late to go back.


Buy five and you could get 1 of 5 signed ones!


Flipping the power structure. The fewer the number of people within a system, the more power each individual can have.
In a community, people can stand up and have their voices heard. Think of little house on the Prairie.
In a state, there are so many people, with potentially unique needs, how can they legislate anything for a person’s daily life? Then how can people at the federal level know ANYTHING about an individual’s needs? They are told what is important by lobbyist, the media, and the most rich and powerful.
The only time that a larger gov’t should get involved in a more local system would be when a case can be made by a local or a group of them, proving that their local gov’t is not listening. Sounds great… but who can anyone go to when the federal gov’t doesn’t care about the individual?


The only way to stop the same people from running is to remove the incentives for them to do so.