Post Mongering 10/14/21 (Part 2)

I was asked to scrape together some additional details in regards to duration and posts. I tried to gather this based primarily on the info @davejlives provides in his summary as he’s announcing wieners.

Debating whether I need to add approx to many of the headings, or if we can all just live with these figures and know they are “close enough”.

# Past Mongering Threads Start End Posts Wieners Last Summary Did not respond Did not reveal
1 NEED SOME POSTS 9/24/20 @ 12:41pm 9/26/20 @ 12:59pm 3500 6 Post Mongering: 8/12-8/13 (Part 2) - #15900 by FrostByte
2 POST MONGERING: 12/28-12/31 12/28/20 @ 12:00am 1/1/21 @ 12:00am 16500 17 POST MONGERING: 12/28-12/31 (Part 1) - #19399 by FrostByte slinkydogg
3 POST MONGERING: 4/1-4/4 4/1/21 @ 12:00 am 4/4/21 @ 11:59pm 28000 28 POST MONGERING: 4/1-4/4 (Part 2) - #10416 by FrostByte nicealves duckyducky
4 Post Mongering: 5/27-5/29 5/27/21 @ 12:00am 5/29/21 @ 11:59pm 39000 42 Post Mongering: 5/27-5/29 (Part 3) - #2918 by FrostByte nathanwhat chrisykincaid
5 Post Mongering: 8/12-8/13 8/12/21 @ 12:00am 8/13/21 @ 5:00pm 34000 36 Post Mongering: 8/12-8/13 (Part 2) - #17017 by FrostByte ChrisPUT, SassyBeard
6 Post Mongering 10/14/21 10/14/21 @ 9:00am 10/15/21 @ 9:00am 24000 25 TBD