Post Mongering: 8/12-8/13 (Part 2)

So, some of you may not know, but I was not always the record keeper for these events. I updated a few times for someone else during the first post mongering / 2nd event, and then kind of assumed the mantle from there.

The first event had no official tracking, so I worked my way through all the posts and I believe I was able to capture the reveals. I’m also assuming that @Se7enty9 changed from a wooter during that time?

Wiener Link Notables
benjaminleebates NEED SOME POSTS - #4237 by benjaminleebates weighted blanket & fingerling & walkie talkies & goodies
daveinwarshington NEED SOME POSTS - #4050 by daveinwarshington santa hats & raspberry pi & goodies
peaceetc NEED SOME POSTS - #4070 by peaceetc best hat & wifi camera & pen & goodies
Se7enty9 NEED SOME POSTS - #4310 by Se7enty9 singamajig & speaker & goodies
Wooter772326458 NEED SOME POSTS - #4263 by Wooter772326458 stickers & kindle & goodies
WooterWootsWendy NEED SOME POSTS - #4251 by WooterWootsWendy white balls & anti stress objects & goodies

With that out of the way, the Overview now looks like this:

# Past Mongering Threads Last Summary Wieners Did not reveal
1 NEED SOME POSTS Not summarized 6
2 POST MONGERING: 12/28-12/31 POST MONGERING: 12/28-12/31 (Part 1) - #19399 by FrostByte 17 slinkydogg
3 POST MONGERING: 4/1-4/4 POST MONGERING: 4/1-4/4 (Part 2) - #10416 by FrostByte 28 duckyducky
4 Post Mongering: 5/27-5/29 Post Mongering: 5/27-5/29 (Part 3) - #2918 by FrostByte 42 chrisykincaid
5 Post Mongering: 8/12-8/13 TBD 35 @Williamdavi says it better be none or else

And the overall list of wieners is now:

Wiener Count 1 2 3 4 5
ashleyheart 3 x x x
ayane605 1 x
b00kemdan0 1 x
badramen 2 x x
bankernosaj 1 x
bchlor4evr 2 x x
benjaminleebates 2 x x
Bethanos 1 x
Brove2016 2 x x
cartr1 1 x
ChrisPUT 1 x
chrisykincaid 1 x
cjclaussen 2 x x
CloverPine5469 1 x
coderunner02 3 x x x
dafrogman 3 x x x
daveinwarshington 3 x x x
digitaljanitor 1 x
dlvery 1 x
duckyducky 1 x
eidsoncr 1 x
fimbrethil 2 x x
fishingPA 1 x
Froodyfrog 2 x x
FrostByte 1 x
gabizago 1 x
gemi27ss 1 x
geminiree27 1 x
georoxstar 1 x
Ginnyill 1 x
GlassCrawford 2 x x
hoffmanbike 2 x x
Jasila 1 x
jcollom 1 x
jniemeier 3 x x x
kinglowrider 2 x x
Kobayashi041097 1 x
mbspell 2 x x
Mopsbauer 1 x
Mster111 1 x
MuchToMyChagrin 1 x
mullog5 2 x x
nathanwhat 1 x
netMASA 1 x
nicealves 1 x
nspede 3 x x x
offmycloud18 2 x x
oheck 1 x
PadawanWooter 1 x
peaceetc 2 x x
pepper114 2 x x
perfectcosima 1 x
PHISHY1980 1 x
pricklycat 2 x x
privateerx1 1 x
PrydeWater 2 x x
Queen89 2 x x
RebelTaz 1 x
renatuslives 2 x x
ryecowbee 1 x
SassyBeard 1 x
Se7enty9 4 x x x x
shwaggyd 1 x
slinkydogg 1 x
sloride 1 x
SnappyShopper 1 x
southportmommy 1 x
srcole1 1 x
StefanMakaSL1MSTEF 1 x
Sweetdeals2me 1 x
tnet490 1 x
Williamdavi 3 x x x
wootdamn 2 x x
Wooter167677922 1 x
Wooter310456179 1 x
Wooter609214317 2 x x
Wooter772326458 3 x x x
Wooter805712026 2 x x
Wooter986760089 1 x
WooterWootsWendy 3 x x x
wootevil 1 x
woothootin 2 x x
Wyatt8 1 x
yosefa 1 x