Just log everything, regularly back up the project file, and label your tapes. Then, even if your hard drives crash, you can just automatically recapture everything.
Now with P2, ugh, that’s when RAID is necessary.
Just log everything, regularly back up the project file, and label your tapes. Then, even if your hard drives crash, you can just automatically recapture everything.
Now with P2, ugh, that’s when RAID is necessary.
i have heard the 750 7200.10’s run rather toasty. the 750 7200.11’s had doa problems due to firmware issues. some runs of seagate drives came preinstalled with chinese data mining viruses a while back. personally I’ve had a seagate 300gb ide drive in my old computer since 2k1 with no issues at all. Of course the new 320gb barracuda 7200.10 that i bought near thanksgiving started failing after about 2wks. had some data loss but it seems to be working again after i did some deep level formatting.
The moral of the story is, if your electronics manage to survive the initial burn in period they tend function well over their intended lifespan. Also I won’t be buying a barracuda anytime soon either.
I have a hard time believing that Seagate is giving everybody so many problems. Perhaps this is because of their Chinese origins. They used to be the Cadillac of hard drives. But it appears they sold out to outsourcing, and from reading reviews on other websites can be a real gamble even if you go new.
But I think I would trust the recert over new ones if you can stand the 180 day warranty.
I’ve had mine installed since it was shipped from the woot-off and it has given me no problems whatsoever. I use it as a file bin for random shit and the speed is fine too. No failures or errors yet.
I bought one of these during the woot off. I didn’t get a chance to mess with it until last week and surprise! It was DOA! Contacted woot hoping to exchange it and they said call Seagate. I’ll be calling them today so I’ll let you know what they say. This is the only woot purchase I’ve ever had a problem with, not bad considering how much stuff I have bought here.
i need a decent firewire enclosure for this in order for me to justify a purchase. can anyone help me out here?
I think I might pick one of these up to use for data backup. That way it doesn’t get as much wear as a drive running the OS, and if it turns out to be a dud, I’ll only be losing data I already have elsewhere. I just don’t trust my primary data on a drive that’s been respiffed and shipped by a mediocre carrier. But on the other hand, I also can’t pass up 750GB for $80.
I got the Certified Repaired Seagate 500GB SATA/300 7200RPM Hard Drive March 27th and have had no problems so far knock on wood.
[QUOTE=bdecker202, post:46, topic:179306]
i need a decent firewire enclosure for this in order for me to justify a purchase. can anyone help me out here?
Newegg has a ton. I like the Macally USB/Firewire drives… Have not tried the FW 800, but tempted…
Now I do - then I did not… Even when you do the right thing, having a drive crap out is no fun.
Nice. Those are kinda pricey…cheapest is $38.99 + $9.39 shipping. Might be worth it though…
[QUOTE=theragu40, post:14, topic:179306]
Actually it’s no memory at all. It will improve your storage space, though.
Actually, it’s catagorized as Mass Storage Memory.
[QUOTE=neseattle, post:24, topic:179306]
Yeah, not a fan of recert HD’s - I got one of the Maxtor 160 GB 2.5" externals on Woot, and it’s starting to make noise… never a good thing with drives.
I bought this exact drive on Newegg for $89 (W FREE shipping) a couple of months ago on one of their email specials - if you have not signed up for their email deals, do so… there are some great buys.
About the only way I would buy a recert drive is if I was going to do a RAID array …
As for drives in general, I just plugged in 16 of my externals to my G5 1.8 Dual Powermac and it tells me that I have 4.3 TB… I am starting to scare myself… they are planning a take over, I just feel it…
I just bought a G5 lower end Mac from a friend of mine that is about a year or so old. The only thing I don’t care for is the size of the hard drive on there. I was wondering, since it seems you own a Mac, and I have never opened the casing of this one, do these hard drives work in Mac as well? I know that Mac does a lot of plugs different than PC and I don’t wanna buy something I can’t even use. Help?
Just about everyone received their drives that time with absolutely terrible shipping methods. My three were in a box barely large enough for one. They refunded me, but I couldn’t believe a company that moves so many electronics products was so incapable of shipping hard drives. I haven’t bought a hard drive from them again. I am tempted to pick up a trio of these though and RAID5 them in Linux.
[QUOTE=chalion, post:15, topic:179306]
Newegg has a deal on this harddrive. $109 (before taxes) with free shipping for a NEW one.
Respiffed doesn’t bother me, they’re usually as good or better than new are, but if it does bother you, check the link.
So let me get this straight. With NewEgg, you get a brand-spanking new HD with a bigger 32MB cache, and a 5 year warrenty, compared to 16MB cache and 6 month warrenty, for just $15 more??
A 5 year piece of mind insurance policy for only $15, I’m sold! Sorry Woot!
The Barracuda Drive has been around for quite awhile. It’s main applications RAID using a SCSI interface. It was introduced in 1992 and is noted as the first HDD to use a 7200 RPM spindle speed. I have nine of them in my RAID 5 application in one server that’s been up for six years. I have three others in a RAID 0 +1 that’s been up for 4 years. Reliable? You bet they are, and they’ve been manufactured for 16 years!
The SCSI interface is hot-swappable BTW, meaning that the drives are mounted in a caddy and any defective one can simply be removed and replaced without rebooting.
Well that explains why I kept seeing everybody using that ROxOrs or whatever it was. I thought, it was some teenage lingo and I just was too old to be hip. Now I see it’s just woot hilarity. Thanks for enlightening me.
This drive was delivered to me on Monday. Newegg’s price was $99.99 shipped. After I installed it I decided that I wanted another. A check with NewEgg showed the price at $109.99. It went back down to $99.99 on Wednesday, so I snagged one then.
Patience = $10
I had it good with woot HDDs so far
make SURE to download the tool from seagate and full scan or long test the drive for defects, I done this on all the woot HDD sales. never had a problem with woot drives except one, and seagate returned a new one right away, all of them been running 24/7 ever since.
well if you want them for cheap backup buying 3 saved me $60