Rather spend the extra 30 bucks and get 5 year warranty on as well as have NewEgg amazing RMA process behind it.
well for people like me yes, I can use that 30 extra bucks somewhere else, besides how many people backup anyway 5yrs warranty is worthless if you cant recover your data
I agree with you,
but 6 months is enough to know if a drive fails anyway, after that period it’s pretty weird, when they do.
purchased this drive durring the woot off for 5 dollars more… the drive came… (drumroll), DOA! talk about recertafied… I have been hastling seagate to try to let me use my warrenty but they are not letting me. If worst comes to worst i have to send it back to rma. even with the volumes of doa, I think i’m going to test my luck and buy this hard drive… for 11 cents a gig… thats amazing! hopefully this time ti will work. just an fyi, be ready for the worst with this hard drive and if you find yourself in the clear and gettin a good hard drive, thats great for you
I love seagate hard drives most. I have about about 20 various ones in use at this moment. Unfortunately one died on me a while back, took me a while to RMA it, but I did. They sent me a R3furb model which promptly died on me. I trust new ones, but I never trust anything that’s been returned and “fixed.”
I’ve had too many Seagates fail on me in the past. I’ll be ordering a WD 750GB HD tonight. Newegg has 'em for $100 and I trust them a ton; have some WDs from old Macs that are 15+ years old and still running fine.
Get 3 and RAID 5 of them.
Get 3 and RAID 5 of them.
Get 3 and RAID 5 of them.
When in doubt, go for redundancy, when in doubt.
I know about this kinda stuff is the stuff I know about since I work in the Department of Redundancy Department at my work is where I know about this kinda stuff.
: )
No problem in your mac. They will take any SATA drive.
This was the perfect opportunity for me to fill up a Drobo with some bigger drives.
Frack… thought I got this, but I apparently didn’t. My account page doesn’t list it. Perhaps I just forgot to click that last button for some obtuse reason after mistyping the security code the first time 'round.
Note to self: double- and triple-check that the order actually went through next time.
Well, at least my dad got one too. I might be able to wheedle some storage space on the network.
In for 3, and if they don’t work, Seagate’s always been great about replacing drives for me.
Has anybody else had their order ship out yet? I grow impatient.
I’m still waiting too.
ARG I am using this drive in an external I’m building but it hasn’t shipped and I am getting ready to leave the country in a couple of weeks. Not Cool I hope it makes it in time!
I came to check also why the drive hasn’t even shipped yet and see if I was the only one! It’s been six days now and it hasn’t even shipped. Blah Woot…
Thursday August 14 and still the drive has not shipped. I guess they really mean it when they say allow 5 business days. On a side note the Motorola bluetooth headset I wooted on the 11th shipped yesterday.
i received mine today without ever getting a tracking number. i also got a wine woot a few weeks ago and it finally arrived just a few days ago with no tracking number. i’d bet that yours is probably on the way even if you dont have a tracking number.
also, some people were saying how the hard drives bought at the last woot-off werent packed very well, but the two i just received were very securely packaged… i had to tear the box to get them out.
maybe they learned something after the last time.
Hmmmmm no shipment on mine yet. where are you woot?
I finally got mine today without receiving any shipping information. It was also very securely packaged. I haven’t hooked it up yet. Hopefully there aren’t any problems!
hopefully that means the rest of us will get ours soon too.