still nothing here. . .ughhhh. Add 3 more days since it’s friday evening. FRUSTRATING
Same here, 5 business days and counting now.
I wonder where that other guy was from to get his already. He must be somewhere around Texas.
-Just another wooter with no shipping notice yet
if it has shipped and we just haven’t gotten notice, then they could come saturday since the post does run then. just not sunday.
heh nothing here yet in TN
Nothin in Boston…This thing better get here by next wednesday…
Wow this is on the main woot page today. Why haven’t these shipped from last friday?
I’m 200 miles from Woot and haven’t gotten mine yet and now they have them as an item today! (8/17/08)
Nothing here as well with no shipping notice.
Hey woot, where is my HD? Been 10 days!
Got mine today without a shipping notice. Maybe everyone else will get theirs.
I got mine too - b4 a shipping notice appeared on the site.
Just checked – have not received and still no shipping notice. Odd. What gives, Woot?
[QUOTE=rsubasic, post:93, topic:179306]
Just checked – have not received and still no shipping notice. Odd. What gives, Woot?
Got mine today with no shipping notice too. Must be some quirk in Woot’s system. My bet is yours in is the mail.
I just got mine (I’m in Atlanta)…same as other people…never got any shipping info.
Hang in there!
got no shipping notice and i haven’t gotten it yet.
On top of it i really need them. I saw a good deal on sellout so i had to buy them. I bought then because i knew i should of got them by now. I should have gotten them from newegg and payed a little more. I be emailing woot.
Received mine today. Looks like woot listened to the complaints from others and packaged these carefully.
[QUOTE=darkinfero, post:96, topic:179306]
got no shipping notice and i haven’t gotten it yet.
On top of it i really need them. I saw a good deal on sellout so i had to buy them. I bought then because i knew i should of got them by now. I should have gotten them from newegg and payed a little more. I be emailing woot.
I checked on this and it shows to have shipped out and been delivered today. You should have received the tracking data for it in your email.
Should I be worried that I haven’t received my HDD’s yet???
I got a refund, but no word from Woot, anyone know what happened?