:w_boc: Share your 2023 Craps Here!

19 pounds… had to put it on the scale to make sure after lugging it inside…

Crappi Bag
One Cup of disappointment, tears, regret, sadness, and misery
2023 Cats in the County Calendar (Will be useful in 2034)
Corsair SSD Mounting Bracket
Blue Spray Bottle
A tactical vest for either a dog or a small child
Shower Curtain Liner
12ct Scrapbook Photo pages
Small whiteboard
Garden Hose Splitter
50ct Black Surgical Masks
“Hold On” Binder Clips
Roll of silver HVAC Tape
Reach Dentotape

And finally… What you’re really waiting for! What the heck was so dang heavy?

An Alternator for an F150

I got got good :rofl: No regrets, especially since this one was paid for by a Happy Hour coupon :kissing_heart: