:w_boc: Share your 2024 Craps Here!

My Blatant Organizational Coercion just arrived!

Crappy Tote bag :heart:
Patriotic Auto Flags :us:
Bam Time bamboo toilet paper (Save that for when guests are over) :roll_of_toilet_paper:
“Live, Laugh, Love” Notepad
Children’s size small fleece pants (reminds me of Zubas?)
VOIP Cordless phone (“What’s a landline?”) :phone:
Rechargeable hand warmers (My spouse will love these) :fire:
Heated Cervical traction device
Noise-cancelling headphones
Vision Well Smart Camera (Neato!)
One cup of “Disappointment, tears, regret, sadness and misery” :cup_with_straw:

Overall, happy with my crap! Other than that I already got the Disappointment Cup. At least I didn’t get an alternator this time :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: