Shun Ken Onion 2 Piece Carving Set

who buys this, really?

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Shun Ken Onion website

Kershaw - Ken Onion

Here’s a description of Shun Ken Onion knives from collaborator Kershaw:

Gorgeous Style Meets Perfect Function

It began with a single knife, the Shun Ken Onion Chef’s Knife. But our customers demanded more. So we’ve expanded the series to include all the most-wanted styles from the can’t-live-without-it paring knife to our versatile bread knife.

The Ken Onion series features the clad VG-10 blade made famous in our Shun line. But then the handsome, non-stick blade is combined with Ken Onion’s signature ergonomic handle design and the unique blade sweep found only in a Ken Onion knife. The result is a series of knives that are not only beautiful to look at, but a pleasure to use.

Some more info:

About Ken Onion and his knives

How to Carve a Turkey

How To Carve A Turkey (Step-By-Step PHOTOS)

Video: Alton Brown on How to Carve a Turkey

Video: Turkey Carving by

I’m going to buy this set for my son-in-law, unless I can’t let it out of my hands. Someday I’m going to spring for an 8" chef’s for myself. Beauty and function; that’s a winning combination.

Done and done. Can’t wait to get my hands on these!

when you come to this fork in the road you’ve gone too far.

From what I have looked up, this is 50% from any other place on line! If I needed a new 2 pc set, I would be in for at least one!

People who enjoy very good cutlery. If you haven’t used high quality knives, you wouldn’t understand.

Ghosty: Please get over Thanksgiving, will ya? (I’m just now gaggin’ down what’s left)… unless you’re one of those Thanksgiving/Christmas turkey people…

I prefer a FINE Christmas goose, or a joint of beef, or a leg o’ lamb, or a delectable crown roast of pork… but, turkey more than once a year makes me rather sleepy…:yawn:

I not only bought THIS set from woot!, but I also got THIS set for free because of this Special Offer… however, the Current Promotional Offerings are quite stellar, especially the 10" KO Chef’s Knife and the 7" “Leave It To Beaver” Cleaver… the other offerings are very nice, too, if you need one to flesh out a set, or just need some handy-dandy knives… all are very good bargains, if’n ya know what I mean…

I am well aware of Shun’s quality and superior reputation, however, I cannot recommend this set - at least for it’s intended purpose.

An 8" knife being sold as a carving knife seems very strange unless you’re gonna be carving Cornish Hens or squab. It’s too short to be an effective carving knife and shaped wrong to be a substitute for a chefs knife or santoku knife.

When carving a roast you want to be able to pull the knife through in a single stroke to make slices as even as possible. A carving knife should be a minimum of 10" and probably in the 12-14" range for optimum slices.

Check out for a more useful (but not nearly as pretty) carving knife.

How to Carve a Cooked Goose

How to carve a joint of beef

How to Carve a Leg of Lamb

How to Carve a Crown Roast

NightGhost: +1

You might want to make that a +4… touché:wink:

Hey, you know what, these cutlers probably don’t know what they’re doing, since they’ve only been making these knives for… how long?

Anyway, I own both the 8" and 9" Shun KO carving knives and have had no problems carving anything from your Cornish game hen/squab (but why would you want to carve those anyway?) all the way up to a 125 pound pit roasted pig (NOW we’re talking carving!)… It’s all about what the user uses and how he/she uses it…

“Though amid all the smoking horror and diabolism of a sea-fight, sharks will be seen longingly gazing up to the ship’s decks, like hungry dogs round a table where red meat is being carved, ready to bolt down every killed man that is tossed to them . . .” – Herman Melville

Shun! What is a Shun? You should be so lucky!!!
I have wish I could have all their knives, all the precision you will ever need. If you do not know what a Shun is, then you do not need to know what one is… There!!!

I bought this set for my brother and his wife. I can’t count how many times they have invited their bachelor brother over for dinner. My brother is always smoking a brisket or roasting a bird. Buying them this excellent set was the least I could do to facilitate the carving and subsequent mastication of great food! Bon Appetit!

Shipping Update

Shun Ken Onion 2 Piece Carving Set has completely shipped via FEDEX Ground. All tracking has already been emailed out. You can also find your tracking number by following this link and use your ORDER NUMBER as the reference number.