Shun Ken Onion 7" Santoku Knife

I swear my other knives just called out and asked me for this…

Yea!!! :slight_smile: :slight_smile:
Now my set is complete

Ugh! I just paid more for this on RueLaLa.



I am 6’4… obviously i have large hands. i want to make sure i can use this blade…has anyone who is 6’ or larger had experience. i would love to hear your experience

[QUOTE=Gir6543, post:6, topic:365321]
I am 6’4… obviously i have large hands. i want to make sure i can use this blade…has anyone who is 6’ or larger had experience. i would love to hear your experience

I don’t own this particular knife, but I think you’ll be fine.

It’s a Japanese knife but the designer, Ken Onion, is an American (and a former U.S. Marine), so I’m pretty sure you’ll have no problem.

Blade thickness?

My Kitchen “wants” these days are so simple…One of these Shun Santoku knives and a Boos Chopping Block !

This is the last knife you’ll ever need! It cuts through butternut squash like butter, and it cuts butter! Razor sharp! As good as Henckels and Wüsthof.

I thought this is an expensive knife for just cutting onions. lol

So no wooden display stand? I have 4-5 other Shuns so I don’t need the stand for mine but I’m thinking about one of these for a wedding gift.

these knives are awesome. Have the 8 inch chef knife, and this will be a great addition to the kitchen.

That’s actually fairly accurate.

Looks like a winning product and a winning deal. Good work, Woot.






Was about to jump, then saw the tax.
Since when is California taxed on Woot?

No more internet purchases without tax in Ca. Starting 9/15. It was nice while it lasted.

These are great knives, made by Kershaw (They make Kershaw, Zero Tolerance and Shun knives). I have some of their knives, and have handled knives from every one of their lines. They make some of the best cutlery I have ever had the pleasure of using.

does this not come with a stand?