Vitamix Series 750 Blender, Professional-Grade

Vitamix Series 750 Blender, Professional-Grade


Oh, they have colors again.
It’s a good product.
Just need to decide which one meets your needs.


Amazing machines. Worth every penny. Got ours at Costco about 15 years ago and still use it all the time.


This is half the price I paid for mine! (750 model) Granted that was many years ago and the only color choice was black. I LOVE my Vitamix - it turns greens into smooth deliciousness, I have made ice cream in it (although, I still want the ninja ice cream maker.



We are still trying to work out which to get: the more versatile Vitamix (which is more expensive) or the Ninja iCream machine. :thinking::face_with_raised_eyebrow::grimacing:


I’ve burned up Brevilles, Ninjas and Kitchenaid blenders. Vitamix is the only one that can survive my pumpkin pie filling. You get what you pay for and Vitamix is the best.


These r by far the top of the line. Bought mine on woot recently. We do all kinds of thing with it. We started putting our vitamins in the smoothie mixes as some r 2 big 2 swallow these days…much easier !


Hey, is it easy to clean? lol, snort.


Are these comparable to the “good brand”?

will it blend that smile GIF by Digg


This was the BlendTec, right? EDIT: Duh, I just saw the big lit up sign he was standing in front of :roll_eyes:

I feel like I remember hearing more about the reliability of the Vitamix during the battle of the blenders in the mid-aughts. Plus I recall some saying the square sides of the BlendTec caused things to get stuck in the corners. I’ve had my Vitamix for almost 10 yrs now (wow) and I’d buy it all over again, that periwinkle color is cute!


Tempting. I have a 35+ year old Osterizer that still works fine. Only a 90 day warranty though.


This model has a cleaning cycle. After you’re done making whatever, put about an inch or 2 of water and a drop or 2 of dish soap. Run the cleaning cycle and it will get most (if not all) of the gunk off the sides and it becomes super easy to handwash & rinse.


You can make so many things with the Vitamix, from ice cream/smoothies/soups to flour from various grains (there is a dry container you can always purchase later if making flours becomes a thing for you.)

For me personally, the best thing about this machine is that it will take fibrous greens like kale and blend them so smoothly its almost as if they’ve been juiced. The old school ninja blender was a more budget friendly alternative, but the Vitamix motor and its longevity are what makes it a big deal. They are used at Jamba Juice (commercial grade obviously) and although I’ve never worked at Jamba, during the warm months, I am kind of known for my smoothies. ProTip: apple juice cuts out much of the overpowering “green” taste

That said, I want the ninja ice cream maker because it seems to cut out a lot of steps and has more of a set it and forget it quality to it, plus the little containers are cute. However, I’m sure if I had a bit more initiative, I could establish my own ice cream prep routine and use the Vitamix.

So you’ve got to think about what you will want to make most often; if it is mostly ice cream then the ninja. But if you want something versatile that will last you years then I’d invest in the Vitamix. There was a time when my ex boyfriend said I loved my Vitamix more than him. It was true.

Edit: I need to stop being lazy, there are even Vitamix reddit pages/topics just on making ice cream (multiple methods including the ninja icream/frozen base or the add frozen stuff and liquid method)


We are leaning more toward investing in the Vitamix since we can make spoonable smoothies and possibly ice cream in it.

Our friends are still in the cancer unit at the VA, and anything cold is most welcome.

Anything temperature or spicy hot is not, as both irritate the soft tissues.

Anything scoop-able instead of anything needing suction via a straw is preferred because sucking on a straw puts a lot of pressure on the bones in the face and neck, which in turn causes additional pain in those areas.

The Vitamix is more versatile, but also more expensive.

For now, we are going to try making smoothies in the Hamilton Beach blender one of the nurses brought in and then freezing the smoothies to make them spoonable.

p.s. For those who know anyone going through chemo and radiation, trying using non-metal utensils. A nutritionist who works with cancer patients told us some patients reported a heightened metallic taste in foods while using metal utensils. We purchased some porcelain spoons for our friends to use when we bring in food for them. We also bring plastic utensils, but sometimes the plastic utensils have sharp edges that cut up the soft tissues in the mouth…so we usually switch back to the porcelain spoons.:grimacing:


“There was a time when my ex boyfriend said I loved my Vitamix more than him. It was true.”

i mean the vitamix is very reliable and consistent! :wink:


$290 with 3 year warranty for this model, straight from Vitamix
Explorian series

3-Year Full Warranty
We stand behind the quality of our products with full warranties, covering all parts, performance, labor, and two-way shipping at no cost to you


That’s not the same model. The model we’re selling is a) open box and b) a different model.

This is the one we’re selling. $499 on Vitamix

Edit: condition


Woot description says the 750 is open box, not new-
Open Box

  • I know it’s different model- but power & build quality R very similar & buying from vitamix gives years of warranty as opposed 2 Woot 90 days :peace_symbol:

Hey, nice! I have one of those too… we use it a few times a week at least. Inherited it from my mom some years ago when we were helping her move. I love it.

On a side note, I won some sorta Ninja Pro Plus blender at the company Christmas party last year… it’s still in the box in the garage. I don’t think that Osterizer will ever die.


Comes with a free beating mallet