What time is your dinner, usually?
It depends on folks hunger level at my house
Why? Are you trying to figure out when you can irritate me the most with a pointless push? Would you like to know what time of the day I take a dump too? What’s your angle Woot!?
When there’s food!
Usually? That implies a semblance of some order. What other absurd notions would you propose? Prosperity maybe? Normalcy, freedom from omicron? Aren’t we all getting spoiled?
When the cat says so!
Don’t usually eat, no preference for it… I like to grow food tho.
but we call it supper.
There is no normal around here. Used to be supper around 6-7(ish), often later in the summer, but anymore it seems to be whenever, but sometimes past 9
When it is ready
What, no before 5:00 p.m.? The older we get the earlier it gets; especially on the weekend. Late breakfast (10:00-ish) then dinner between 4:00 and 5:00 ordering off the happy hour menu. Done!
I was wondering too. I decided they want to invite us out to dinner! Woot, I’m flexable on the time. Are you flying us to TX?
No matter what time it is, I’ll never be late.
So I’m wondering how old you have be to remember the era when your family ate dinner between 5 - 7 so you could all sit in front of the TV to watch your favorite shows for the rest of the evening?
Typically before 5. Breakfast at 4:30-5:00 am, lunch at 11 am, and dinner between 4-5 pm.
When I’m hungry
Between 4 and 5, usually.