Ok when is dinner served today?
Same time that I eat supper any night.
2 and 4 because I can’t eat too late or I’ll never be able to drive home in one piece
Noon. Because the little kids get whacky later in the day.
Depends on the cook time of @froodyfrog err a the bird.
When it’s supposed to be served, or when it’s actually served?
8 sharp
Don’t worry about it. You’re not invited, Woot.
I might have some frozen pizza for supper.
That’s when our reservation is.
Dinner is an evening eating thing. Now, Thanksgiving meal is 1 pm, i think. We are getting there earlier for visiting or something… Visiting seems like a poor appetizer. Just bring it!
We celebrated a day early so everyone could make it. I told them 3 and then 4 because of when I put finally got the bird in the oven. We ate at 5ish. Heavy on the ish. Snacked on these cheese balls while waiting.
Breakfast at 4:30 PM, Lunch at 8:30 PM, and dinner at 1:30AM if there’s no overtime.
Dinner at 4-ish but there will be beverages and hors d’oeuvres while the surgeon-wannabe carves the turkey. (He is very skillful.)
This is a trick question! It’s just lunch, no dinner! One meal is enough.
When I hear