[imgleft]http://www.woot.com/Images/Sale/World_Series_of_Poker_Wireless_Plug_and_Play_15-in-1_TV_Game_-_2_Pack-thumbnail.jpg[/imgleft] World Series of Poker Wireless Plug and Play 15-in-1 TV Game - 2 Pack - Tuesday, January 31, 2006
Item qty: 2000, Last Order: 10:06 AM CST, Wooter to blame: sibelius
Order Pace: 0m 18.218s, Woot Wage: $2,965.52/hour.
This message will contain product updates, a discussion summary, and other new information. Check it often for changes.
Poker? In Cleveland? It’s all about the bowling and the quality posts:
- p1, msw323 resists the urge to gamble.
- p1, sisq0kidd asks, “got any insight on this product? Is there a better one out?”
- p2, buzzkirkwood has the Froogle link.
- p2, NoMYTH2990 is leading the sing-along.
- p2, and susani8 provided musical accompaniment.
- p2, Kashmir says, “Just so you guys know, the 6-player Excalibur World Series of Poker game (wireless) was $50 at RadioShack. I had a long while to play it, and I must say… Effing-a their stuff is buggy.”
- p3, tpscan has the product website, but can’t find any wireless.
- p3, jeepgal may be evil incarnate.
- p3, sprite1320 wants to know, " Can this be a 2 player game?"
wow… 2 nights in a row with bad woots… im sad =(
There’s a Kensington game too, but this woot is soooooo much better!
yes! poker rules!
i hate handheld poker…
no thanks, i’ll play real poker when i want to.
wireless gambler???
cheap, but no good for me
bring back 250gig hard drives!
i do not understand the poker obsession thing.
i have a real slot machine, sorry woot
how about real poker chips, i have real friends!
looks cool but no thanks
If I wasn’t a compulsive gambler, I would be all over this one…
Night all.
this is great for bad habbits
Come on Woot. Just give me one good thing!
Is every Tuesday gonna be like this?
have we seen any PC games on woot?
bvd, got any insight on this product? Is there a better one out?
why is it I sleep through the good woots and stay awake for these ones?