Well this is probably the last one of the day, and none for me
36% left, definitely not leaving this VOP with crap
Wow, I was watching a stream and forgot I was trying to get crap. Swiped down to refresh the app and BOC popped up. WEEEEEEEEEEEEE. I will be disappointed as always.
50% this time. Feels like I’m losing my touch… oh well. Onward and upward!
Holy the moly! Made it out of VOP and processing for the purchase! Muy Bueno! All while jamming out to Salt-N-Pepa!
I got out just when it reached 0%.
Free disappointment!
If I’m in the VOP on my phone and also on my PC, does that disqualify me from both? I closed the PC one, but the phone one is still active.
It seems like bots are scooping these up, they aren’t even staying available for more than a few minutes. A few bags ago I clicked add to cart at 90% and then waiting screen of death.
A perfect 10 for 10 of VOP but no crap.
Geez, hit buy now with 98% left, go to VOP, wait, wait, wait…nothing, sold out.
I managed to go straight to the cart with no VoP and then… the app crashed
Well, that’s both wonderful and terrible luck, all at once!
My phone (android) never seems to do anything. Never flashes like it is trying to help me get a BOC. But like you, I multitask.
Not even seconds. I clicked buy it before it finished loading the pic on my my phone. VOP and I don’t think it is even refreshing. I clicked buy on my PC afterwards and it has already said no crap for me. Phone is still in VOP.
Why is it I stay in the VOP so long? So the palpable disappointment is equal to that of any Boisterous Outlandish Chicanery I might have received? Asking for a friend.
Same… I’m still in it! Obviously the BOC is long gone… and yet still I wait