Boisterous Outlandish Chicanery 8234846

Boisterous Outlandish Chicanery 8234846



Well this is probably the last one of the day, and none for me :frowning:

36% left, definitely not leaving this VOP with crap :frowning:

Wow, I was watching a stream and forgot I was trying to get crap. Swiped down to refresh the app and BOC popped up. WEEEEEEEEEEEEE. I will be disappointed as always.

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50% this time. Feels like I’m losing my touch… oh well. Onward and upward! :poop:

Holy the moly! Made it out of VOP and processing for the purchase! Muy Bueno! All while jamming out to Salt-N-Pepa!

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I got out just when it reached 0%.

Free disappointment!


If I’m in the VOP on my phone and also on my PC, does that disqualify me from both? I closed the PC one, but the phone one is still active.

It seems like bots are scooping these up, they aren’t even staying available for more than a few minutes. A few bags ago I clicked add to cart at 90% and then waiting screen of death.

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A perfect 10 for 10 of VOP but no crap.

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Geez, hit buy now with 98% left, go to VOP, wait, wait, wait…nothing, sold out.


I managed to go straight to the cart with no VoP and then… the app crashed :scream:

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Well, that’s both wonderful and terrible luck, all at once!

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My phone (android) never seems to do anything. Never flashes like it is trying to help me get a BOC. But like you, I multitask.

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Not even seconds. I clicked buy it before it finished loading the pic on my my phone. VOP and I don’t think it is even refreshing. I clicked buy on my PC afterwards and it has already said no crap for me. Phone is still in VOP.

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Why is it I stay in the VOP so long? So the palpable disappointment is equal to that of any Boisterous Outlandish Chicanery I might have received? Asking for a friend.

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Same… I’m still in it! Obviously the BOC is long gone… and yet still I wait