Craig Electronics

Recently bought 3 of these for gifts and kept one for myself. The sound is high quality. The Bluetooth works great. The only thing is, when you go to listen to them through your computer, the earphone jack and the usb cord cannot be plugged in at the same time or else you will get a lot of muffled static sound.

Otherwise, I highly recommend these speakers. Well worth the price! Great for office speakers.

Which speakers???

I previously bought:

Craig Portable Speaker Dock CR4189

These speakers are horrible and are not worth the price especially once you add shipping. They look nice but once they arrived I should have returned them because the cheap paint job was chipping and would easily pass as a damaged/open box item. I am not a negative person and I apologize to woot and craig, but these simply are junk and I have not thrown them away because I hope that my little girls or somebody will get some use out of them.

The Craig CHT754 is a “surround sound” system with only analogue input. So you basically can’t get surround sound from your Xbox / TV. Unless your TV happens to have coax audio out, but then your Xbox is still tanked. WTF?

That’s like getting a convertible in North Dakota. Sure it looks cool, but it’s not worth all of the hassle if you can’t feel the wind blowing through your hair every once and a while without freezing your ass off.

I got one of these speakers at Big Lots. It was less than $10.00. Very happy with it.

I bought the Bluetooth tower for my 14-year old son for Christmas.

It paired up with his iPhone easily. I tried to pair it up with my Droid RAZR Maxx and it paired up but I got no sound for some reason. I figure if I had done more troubleshooting I might have figured it out but it was for him, not me.

Anyway, he loves it long time.

Re: Craig Portable Speaker Dock CR4189

Got 2 @last Woot. Not audiophile equipment, but then what is at $12? They sound decent unless you turn them way up, then there is some noticeable distortion. So, IF they worked as advertised, I would probably keep them to use as cheap kid gifts.

BUT - neither unit came with a remote. Neither unit will work in other than ‘AuxIn’ or ‘FM’ mode. Neither unit has a functioning EQ or mode button. I am not even going to bother plugging in a USB stik or an SD card to see if they work; I cannot select them anyway due to the Mode button not working…

In short, these things must be rejects, and Craig put one over on Woot. They are worth maybe $5, and then only as a thing to hack/tinker with (use the enclosure, but replace electronics and speakers with better, fully functional parts). I hope that Woot will be able to credit me with the $30 I spent on 2 +shipping.

Sadly disappointed.

EDIT: Disappointed in the product, Extremely Satisfied with Woot! They came thru with flying colors in dealing with this inferior product. THANK YOU, WOOT! :slight_smile: