
Price: $5
Shipping Options:: $5 Standard
Shipping Estimates: Ships in 1-2 business days (Thursday, Jan 22 to Friday, Jan 23) + transit
Condition: Really Crappy


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Previous Similar Sales (May not be exact model)
1/20/2015 - $5.00 (Woot-off)


I don’t need to even TRY for this one…



check your private message

finally got one

I’m sorry but this BS. I have gotten to my cart several times to only have it say I was too slow to check out. Sounds like the New England Patriots might be running this woot-off.

Dude. Refresh the community page. The front page loads slower.

wow. this is a tough one. WTF man. I’m about to give up on this one.

Dang I was typiong then they have back to back boc

All day I kept wondering when they were going to sell a “Crappy Diem”

(lol - get it a play on “Carpe Diem” - seize the day) My humor gets goofy at this hour.

Maybe I missed it and they did it earlier.
Or maybe it’s too obvious…

I’m refreshing the community page, but does that not just add an extra step?


All the way through checkout and then I got a server error message. Aaargh!

community page?

While the East dreams of crappier morns and the Midwest counts bangles of cranberries jumping over fences, WE, the west, feast on the Crapsure…ITS ABOUT DAMN FREAKIN TIME!!! This ish is easier when there are less bags AND cheaper. This doesn’t make sense. This isn’t how it works. Daaaaaamn you!!!

Bag after bag is sitting in the missed section of my cart. It’s ridiculous that server errors continue to prevent me from completing and order, and it’s more ridiculous that I keep trying.

In all honesty a company with this track record doesn’t deserve anyone’s business, yet somehow they make customer’s feel as though they must have it.

Some darker force is at work here!!!

Gotta click the image, not the link text.

Yes it does but it works.Took me two tries before i got one.

I’ll be darn! Thank you :slight_smile: